Sunday, September 18, 2011

KolonG "letter from Darknblack"

Dear SLiMO,

I saw A lovely straight couple passing me by, and from them I see love, passion, commitment, sacrifice, understanding, companionship, responsibility, acceptance, children, family and future.
The guy is average looking, the girl is pretty, but I can see the world in them. do you thing they're happy?

A sweet gay couple passing me by, they both are gorgeous, but yet all I can see only love and lust, and fragile.
Why are we so shallow? Is it because the circumstance? Or it's our nature? We fuck like an animal, and we choose our mate like an animal do, by physical appearance.
For us, the first impression always come from physical appearance right? And when our physical attraction become love, can we deny that the basic of our attraction is physical? We may have the love, we may have the lust, we may have some degree of commitment, but where it leads to?
Straight relationship grows endlessly, and our gay relationship doesn't , thats our problem.
We date a guy, we fall in love with each other, we are in a relationship, then what? What's next? We just stuck in that, and wait until it ends? I'm tired, Slimo... need your hug ;(

- Dark n Black -

Dear Dark n Black,
What you see ia only what you can look, you never know what happen inside them right? or it may something among their heart.
Sometime A straight couple start from a date, that leads to relationship, and then they will plan to marriage, advancing to build a family, with children, share the responsibility, sacrifice their dream, accept the partner's flaw for the sake of the family they build, for the sake of the children they have, for the sake of the love they share. There is not much selfishness left in them.

We, gays, start from a date, that leads to relationship, but mostly the process end short here. May we take love too much for granted? There is nothing to lose when we have to start over again? Or may we are all too selfish?
Sumtime gay's commitment in relationship like "Hey, I promise you I won't fuck others and cheat on you." Is it because sex it too easy for us?
When we asked a straight couple what is commitment, they will answer that commitment is an effort you have to make, with all your strength, to make the relationship works, and thats include acceptance, understanding and sacrifice.
So, basically, gays' commitment is promise, while straights' commitment is effort. Now we can learn bit bout commitment hover there's no mistake between our commitment and them.

We Do realize that when people describe a family members, they will think of husband, wife and children? It's so natural for a husband to tell his wife "We are a family". But in our life It's like "I love you, but you will never be part of my family". But why you have to ask too much for this rule? so stop compair our life with them as long as there's love between you and your partner, it's the most important thing in any all way of relationship, gay or straight.

Coz compare to straights, our relationships are strong in love, lust, passion and companionship that is great for short term, but weak in commitment, sacrifice, understanding, responsibility and acceptance thats needed in long term relationship. But there's no something wrong for those, maybe that's the reality of our life and why we have to ask more, further you may marry your partner but why should you ask to his family declaration? becoz it will be one in million family could understand, maybe here we are called "gay".

My advice; "being gay loyal with one man is so much better than be a straight sex with every woman"


Saturday, September 10, 2011

KolonG [Is That Bad Being A Single Gay?]

NO…, absolutely Not Bad, why? in world of PLU (people like us) most of 70% men wanna be single or pretend to, extremely they want have relations but with single status. Being single isn’t that bad, at least there no one can hurt you and you’ll know the meaning of friendship is.

Some pals of mine wrote me email bout why they have been single for along time, they said “am I not good enough? Am I not sexy? Am I too selfish, am I too selective? why people don’t like me?” no… never judge yourself like that. Sometime to be Single gay is so much fun when knowing how to be a happy, you may decide all aspect of your life with your own way, no arguing with some one about what food you want have for dinner, no one comment to your hairstyle, you probably spend money not too much, free to call your pals for hang out, travelling and meet lot new pal for your society, no one call you just to ask where you are, what you do, and you may do whatever you wanna do with no regret. So it is particularly moment in your life time to feel freedom, eventually you can share and give your love for everyone..
Feeling lonely is the most enemy of your single status, but never hesitates to call your close pal and pay them for dinner just to buy your time to talk, or spoil yourself at spa center or public swimming pool to taste the best orange juice in life. Many bright ideas how to kill your loneliness but the most, never thought that you’re a single, any how you’re not the only one single gay in this planet. Remember… being a single is not that bad hover being in relationship is also not that good.

Here some tips to erase your loneliness when it come figure you out that you’re single, and may it can help you to attract some guys jumping to your next love life ;
1. Update your style, single means anything just on your arms. so go to the mall or boutique just for trying some new mode and shirt to make over your look. When it comes really fit for your performance, just take it and be proud to show.
2. Mobile yourself, you never know there are many single men like you out of your society. Jump to visit your pals very often, spend your spare time through cafes or bars near by, attend in rock music concert, charge your rave party, or just see futsal game while you enjoying lots straight guys there.
3. Chatting, isn’t that bad even just for fun, we know a few good men there in channel but we never know may your prince of charming waiting you out there. keep on chat and browsing gay dating web or up dating your facebook daily.
4. Buy some t-shirt with word “I’m single” Play naughty way just to express yourself, being bitchy is not that bad sometime, Enjoy your weekend by shopping or just fooling around in some Club, you may do 5-S there (seat, see, sign, sex,….see you) hahahaha..


KoloG "Jealousy"

Jealousy is not the same thing as Love, Sometimes you're jealous with your boyfriend because of lots thing, but people think by feeling jealous about someone, means that you loving him much, meanwhile over jealous can make him lost his mind and could do the bad thing for you. Jealousy is the fear and anger of losing love. Jealousy disappears when you are truly explain to him whatever tell the truth and tell what you want. having experience this recently, I felt jealous when I call him and he's in the middle of dinner with his close friend at restaurant near beach, or when he just busy with his study and built some intuations maybe him with other boy, but I cant blame him, or maybe it just my expression of loving him too much. here's some articles how to handle Jealousy ;)

Many people feel jealous from time to time. and it may happen to you too. Jealousy is easy to deal with, once you understand what it's teaching you. and the other is the way how to explain to him why he sould jealous if theres no big deal inside. Here are some pointers on working through your emotions and feelings of jealousy.

1.Understand the emotions. Jealousy is a combination of fear and anger: fear of losing something and anger that someone is "moving in on" something that you feel belongs only to you. so take the best way how to control your upset before you get the explanation.

2.Allow yourself to actually 'feel' emotions in a healthy way. When you start feeling jealous, ask yourself: Is it more fear-based or more anger-based? Recognize which part of your body is being affected. If you feel a dropping or clutching sensation in your stomach, it’s probably fear. If you feel a burning, tight sensation in your shoulders and jaw, then you’re likely feeling anger. You might also feel a combination of those sensations.

3.Communicate your feelings. Sharing your true feelings with him without blaming him, it can create a deep sense of connection between the two of you and open up a dialogue about the path of your relationship. Use "huney...want tell me sumthing?" "I" instead of "you." Instead of saying, "You shouldn't have done that," say, "I felt terrible when that happened."

4.Identify what your jealousy is teaching you. Jealousy can alert you to what you want and what is important to you. If you’re jealous to him talking bout he with another friend go out, think that ur personal relationships may be important to you that this case. If you’re jealous about money, you may have an underlying need for security or freedom. Ask yourself, "Why am I jealous over this? What is making me jealous? What am I trying to keep? Why do I feel threatened?" When you begin to understand what makes you jealous, you can begin to take positive steps to maintain those things, without the cloud of negative emotion that accompanies jealousy.

5.Change any false beliefs that might cause jealousy. There are often false beliefs that underlie jealousy and fuel emotion. If you examine the belief, you can often eliminate the jealousy.Choose to tell yourself a belief that is nurturing and supportive, and you’ll feel better. When you begin taking steps to creating a happy and fulfilling life for yourself, you will find the anger, the jealousy, and the fear will disappear.

6.Don't see things and make conclusion or listen to people who make you jealous, before you find out the fact and reality

7.If you cant handle it ask him whatever you wanna ask. make the good time to meet and asking anything with the politely and good way, do not show your jealousy just make him see you need his more attention, remember...bad speak just make him thought you dont trust him, so do it softly or do after you have a great sex with him. do not ask him in phone, meet directly

Sunday, September 4, 2011

KolonG Your boy friend now is a diamond

A good friend just called me this morning, and for the umpteenth time he broke up within his BF again, he told me that he was really tired in the searching for the good heart.

I bit him share; In love we can indeed occur in a matter of seconds, lot of people out there are more than our spouses, but the wise man said we have to learn to say thanks for what we have been gotten, because humans will never feel satisfied and always compare with others. Grateful to your partner even though he was not too handsome as what you've dream of, though he's not too sexy like your boyfriend's pal, not too rich as your partner before, or not even as perfect as you'd expect, but make sure at least now he's just the only one who love you with sincere.

Never take someone else for granted, hold someone close to your heart now, cause you may wake up one day and realize That you've lost a diamond while you were the resource persons too busy collecting stones .. :)