Tuesday, February 15, 2011

KolonG "How not to fall in love with your best friend?"

Most of time we always spend so much time with our best friend together, having lunch, gym, traveling and stay in one room, clubbing and so, you can talk about anything, and you know each others secrets. most of days You buy each other things, just because you know you'll like that. You're always there for each other, and are in fact each others default dates to functions when you couldn't get anyone else. Sooner or later, at least one of you would fall in love with the other.

When you knew it, its extremely difficult, especially when you really have so much fun together and admit it he's attractive. But it is possible to not ever be romantically involved with your best friend. It is usually advisable to keep things that way, too. Here are a few tips to help prevent you from crossing the line;

1. Keep in mind that your best friend will always be your best friend. The mind over matter rule might still work for you, Forbid yourself from entertaining thoughts of your best friend being the man you've been waiting for, because you will eventually convince yourself that he is even if he probably is not. Whenever your mind wanders dangerously close to that line, give yourself a good, firm shake. set your mind that all of his care is about giving care to his best friend too.

2. Decide not to be attracted. In fact, try to feel embarrassed about even considering it. Of course you became friends because you saw a lot of great qualities in each other that made you click, that's why its inevitable to feel attracted to each other. But to avoid falling for his great qualities, humorously think of his worst traits especially the really weird and gross ones.

3. Avoid situations where you are left alone with each other, as this allows a breeding place for passion. It will happen when you need more time to share your problem, both of you guys prefer go sumwhere silence, bring cans of beer and drunk and talk between heart to heart, it will attract to hug each other, this psychical touch may built some strange feeling, and you will flying to his arm of warm, it's very dangerous...

4. Know all the negative consequences falling in love would have on your precious friendship. Crossing the line could only bring disappointment for both of you and change your friendship forever. Whenever you feel yourself falling, ask yourself these questions: Would he be a suitable match for me? Is there a future for us? Am I attracted to my best friend sexually? What are my real reasons? Am I afraid to be alone? Am I willing to risk losing the friendship? Know that when you risk falling for a friend, you risk not just getting your heart broken but also ruining one of your most cherished friendships when things don't work out.

5. Choose to love him as your best friend. Or as a brother, if you must. Know that you would be willing to do anything for him, care for him, and love him like a true brother, even if hes not family. And be comforted that he would do the same for you. But decide not to throw romantic and sexual thoughts into the equation. Its a decision, not merely an emotion. Appreciate that rare solid friendship you have formed with him and keep yourself from losing it just because of selfish, uncontrolled feelings.

be a good friend, bro!! and friendship more eternal than love ;))

[thanks for Anna Lorraine Miranda for her " How Not To Fall In Love With Your Best Friend"]

Monday, February 14, 2011


Semua orang pasti pernah merasakan cinta.. Baik cinta dari orang tua, sahabat.. kekasih dan akhirnya pasangan hidupnya

Buat temanku yg sedang jatuh cinta.. :) nikmatilah.. karena cinta itu sangat indah, saat bisa menggabungkan kata AKU dan KAMU menjadi KITA, saat suka dan duka bisa berbagi dan saling menjaga, Semoga kalian selalu berbahagia..

Buat temanku yg sedang terluka karena cinta, Hidup itu bagaikan roda yang terus berputar, satu saat akan berada di bawah dan hidup terasa begitu sulit, tetapi keadaan itu tidak untuk selamanya, bersabarlah dan berdoalah karena cinta yang lain akan datang dan menghampirimu, karena cerita2 indah lainnya sudah menunggu untuk menemuimu, nantikan kejutan cinta lainnya yg lebih menggairahkan hidupmu..

Buat temanku yang tidak percaya akan cinta, Buka hatimu dan jangan menutup mata akan keindahan yang ada di dunia, kadang berdua lebih mengasyikkan daripada sendiri, berbagi lebih membahagiakan daripada memendam berat hidup sendiri, dan percayalah bahwa cinta yg didasari pengertian, menghargai dan saling mengisi kekurangan masing2 dapat membuat hidupmu menjadi lebih bahagia..

Buat temanku yang mendambakan cinta.. :) bersabarlah.. karena cinta yang indah tidak terjadi dalam sekejap, Tuhan sedang mempersiapkan segala yang terbaik bagimu, yakinlah ada malaikat di luar sana sedang membuka peta cintanya dan mencari keberadaanmu sekarang, bersiaplah untuk bertemu dengan pasanganmu itu, pasti, segera semangat!!! ;)

With Love.. -SUPER SLIMO- mengucapkan "Happy Valentine Day" for all of you guys.. :)