in a gay life story like this is most often happen in couples when it just met and try to find some feel plebes get into a comfortable groove, and some feelings just get lost along the way, and some, get comfortable with each other... like a habit. Its only been days with him and if by this time you are feeling for someone else, then perhaps its time to move on. my suggestion however, that you sit and talk to that boy and tell him how you are feeling, and also find out how he feels, That only fair. But you also need to do whats best for yourself in that situation. If you aren't happy in the current relationship, then its time you did something that made you happy. In other words, move on, and get on with your life. Your current boy just might not be the one for you yet. So how do you know it's love? You've started dating and you have strong feelings and you're ready to take it to the next step or maybe you have. How do you know if that overwhelming tingle you're feeling all over is love or lust? How do you know if this is The One? Sorry to say, often you don't until you experience some form of loss, like misunderstanding each other and pulling away, only to work it out from the heart and stay together. If you're really lucky, you'll know it's love because you've spent so much time together doing things that have nothing to do with sex, and it's just so darn good. You know it's love when you can spend hours and hours talking to each other or hours feeling good not talking. You especially know it's love when you're willing to sacrifice something for that person. The fact that you cant say you love him when he says he loves you, bit of an indication that you don't perhaps want a relationship? Well what i mean is that perhaps you don't want a long-term relationship yet. It could also mean that you aren't ready to say it to him yet, and if you do, well then you are tied to him and only him. i suggest you sit down and talk to him about as well. If you are having doubts few days into a relationship, its time to rethink where you are heading and what you want. Its also only fair that you let your boy know whats going on, so i do suggest again that you sit down and have a serious, honest talk with him about your feelings, and about hims. Lastly, again, there is nothing wrong with the way you are feeling, but it is something that you need to sort out within yourself as well. Find out what makes you happy, where you want to be right now, and who you want to be with, or not. The answer is ultimately within yourself. But also, don't forget to let your boy in on it. Its only right that he know as well. If sex isn't what it used to be for example, then think of ways to spice up your sex life, use your imagination and ask him what he would like to try. Obviously there are people out there for whom love is irrelevant. It's lust they're feeling and it's satisfying lust they're after. I feel sorry for them and even sorrier for their partners. Because chances are the object of their conquest is in love - or thinks so, anyway. I think this is especially true for men.
[dedicate to "Khrisna"]
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