Monday, August 24, 2009


I hate him...but I love him... I can't stand him... but I can't imagine my life without him... I think he's annoying... but I KNOW he's sweet and funny... I wish he didn't exist... but then my life would be but a plank page... I pray everyday for him to just VANISH into thin air... but yet I'm afraid I might breathe him in, and then he'll stay there forever... I’d do anything just to block the thoughts of him rushing into my mind, but nothing would replace the feeling of him being there…
I’d die just to give myself a chance not to talk to him anymore, but then my eyes from crying would be torn… I want to run away from his love chasing me from behind, but from all the love I'm blind… I’d let go of anything just to stop holding on him, but he’s the only one worth being held onto… I’ve tried everything just to make my heart forget him, but it turned out everything from him was stronger than my hate… I hate him... I hate my heart denying the fact I do...
I hate my life... For not having the power to exist without him... I hate everything...

ps. Sorry Arief, and pls dont come back to me again, i have some one else.....thanks

1 comment:

  1. Bro...aku tau gimana pahitnya kamu di campakkan dia, aku tau hancurnya kamu bro..., tapi ingat, aku kenal Arief, dan aku tau gimana sakitnya dia juga, semuanya karena keadaan yg memaksa jadi gini, jadi jangan salahkan dia sepenuhnya, andai kau tau gimana yg terjadi saat kau bener2 pergi... ;(

    denger2 kamu mau pindah ke bandung yah? masih mau nggak ketemuan ma arief, pasti dia seneng, beri dia kesempatan untuk menebus salahnya, aku pengen banget liat kalian baik, setidaknya berbaikan aja, itu cukup, tidak lebih ngak papa, kuharap kamu mau... (your best bro)
