The key to healing a broken heart is accepting that the building up and breaking down of relationships is as inescapable as the seasons. No matter what you do, there will be a time where change occurs. And many of us have gone through more than one break up or divorce in our lives.
A breakup can be very painful. So here are 4 steps to getting over a broken heart and embracing the change in your life:
1. Accept the change: Sometimes when big events happen in our lives, in healing a broken heart we prefer to avoid the truth and deny that anything has happened, instead of accepting the changes.
Now, I’m not saying that giving up on a relationship is ALWAYS the right thing to do. Actually, I am a great believer in faith and rekindling lost love. What I’m trying to say is that to mend a broken heart, face the reality that the rule of love only start then end, but most of us really need to be happy always, no..no..no.., world is aint easy, so do love
2. See it as a learning experience: In healing a broken heart, you need to see every relationship and breakup as a learning experience. Every so often, people lose touch with other and fall out of love, and when it happens we should embrace and learn from it. In so doing you will discover ways to either improve the current relationship, or become a better person for your next relationship.
3. Be grateful for what happened: To be able to heal a broken heart, try to grateful for everything that happens in your life. Understand that you are who you are today, as a result of your friends, family and past lovers, your experiences, and the stories that have impacted your life. believe in faith, there will be lot good stories waiting you there and get closer to anther love life, no stuck but keep go on to your next life. A number of people have learned that showing gratitude helped in healing a broken heart after a dramatic breakup changed their lives.
4. Look at the present and decide where you want to be in the future: Whether you are in an unhappy relationship and want to make it work, or going through a breakup, you need to take the time to decide what you really want in life. Ask yourself: “What is one small step I can take now that will help me get to where I want to be?” Once you know what that step is, do it and you will find it easier in getting over a broken heart and moving towards a brighter future. Everybody goes through drastic change in their lives, including breakups. Hopefully these steps will help you in healing a broken heart and opening up to a world of endless love and possibilities.
6 Secrets To Fixing A Broken Heart...................
It is although that everywhere we turn nowadays, many long-term relationships, including marriages are failing. Here are 6 secrets how to survive a broken heart after a break up:
1) Do not look at it as a failure: You should never look at your relationship as a failure, even though it has ended. Do not look at failed relationship as the end of your chance to be happy, but as an opportunity to find someone better suited to you. It is often those failures in the past that make you a better, more successful person in the future. So fix broken heart by embracing them.
2) Concentrate on the future: You need to stop dwelling in the past, and look towards your future. Remember your past does not determine your future. So if you find yourself reminiscing with your mind constantly fixated on your ex partner, get yourself to think and write about what you plan to achieve in the future, as a way of fixing a broken heart.
3) It is a part of growing up: Making new relationships and going through breakups do not happen by accident. They are a part of growing up. Just like every thought, emotion, situation and event in your life, learning how to survive a broken heart is merely a step toward your personal growth and learning.
4) Accept your role in the break up: In figuring out how to move on from a broken heart, you need to stop blaming your partner, the circumstances or whatever else for the breakup. You need to accept that you played a part in the breakup and, therefore, you are equally to blame for things not working out.
5) Learn from your experiences : To grow and move forward in life, you need to learn from your mistakes and experiences. So, with every relationship you go through, be aware of what goes on and you will not keep making the same mistakes.
6) Be thankful for what it taught you: You should also be thankful for the relationship and what it taught you. Even if it ended badly, thank your ex for what they helped you to learn, and it will be easier for you to fix broken heart.
remember...he's not the only man in this world, the better one is waiting ;)
ps. for irez, thanks already crossed in my life, you know i never dumb you, dear. time pushed me to choose follow my heart way, and you know how hard to face this reality, you're the best even for while came and fill my stories, never know how i miss that nite at kaliurang, thanks...cups of tea and nuddle of love ;) "jangan pernah berubah ya, awas kalo kamu cuek, tak gigit...kemana..mana...hehehehe..., miss you, monyet ku.. ;)
Monyet suka... Makasih.. ^_^