Il y a sur nous Plus rien a écrire Pas, la moindre histoire Pas la moindre blessure a guérir. Rien a se dire La page est tournée, Deux corps étrangers Ont oublié leurs nuits enlacés.
Le ciel s'est dégagé La douleur soulagée, A quoi bon verser plus de larmes A quoi bon regretter, Des ruines de nos temps, Plus rien n'est a sauve, Le verbe espérer ne se conjugue plus qu'au passé.
On a eu notre temps, Tout est derrière maintenant
On a eu notre temps, Tout est derrière maintenant
(There is upon us Nothing to write,Not the slightest history Not the slightest injury cure. Nothing to say The page is turned, Two foreign Have forgotten their great nights.
The sky was clear Pain relief, Why pay more tears Why regret
The ruins of our nite, Nothing saved, The word hope is more than combine past. We took our time, Everything is behind
That is now behind)
The ruins of our nite, Nothing saved, The word hope is more than combine past. We took our time, Everything is behind
That is now behind)
ps. no more zaqu-moqu, i give up...heney, you break the words " me and you become us" so bring me bck my heart and my soul to me. i won't love someone who aint love me that big like i did. now i have to walk away continue my stories, my love life, my heart beating, maybe my new someone else, bye love...bye.. thanks my sweet moqu, one day you'll know why i have to leave you away... one day..
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