cause i know this is life, my life, never know where the life bring me in one good sin or one big yellow box called desire... tell me how it feel when nite come over and i traped in my own lonely, thinking about how wonderful touch from devil with angel mask, and blood of browsing pull me found him.
flash story suddenly he's in train way to my hometown, "just transit", blashed red face built feeling call "wanna meet", stay at town from 5am to 9am, than wanna leave to another town, bring no love no wondering just come to room no.6 and we share mind stone, words "me" and "you" become "us".
sms arrived: "sorry, low bat..last nite, so wanna meet?"
sms repplied: "you said you stay until 9am, end of work at 5pm, but really wanna meet you"
sms arrived: so come here then?"
sms repplied: "tell me where r u now i'll be there at lunch"
"i'm telling you still no hard feeling",
prince devil smile said...."my fatty bitch!! damn..."
fans rolling time high up noon, hot and full hell atmosphere..heart beating...become more fast"
"wanna irish kiss?"
"no...", but head said yes.. "damn..you're a best kisser"
"wanna dutch kiss?"
hemmmm...yeammm... outside someone step heard so load, laughing,...baby cry
"plz no deep anymore, my lips getting red"
desire...prince hell come bring his flame..., his dark suit off our clothes, lamp off lips travelling every single inch of body, sweat..., eiffel tower crush the sky, flower bloom birds flying saying "haleluyah...."
hold like fire, water pouring of the naked human with sin...won't love out from lips
"i have boy friend in trust"
"so do i..."
"promise me you need to do this again to me"
"go back, office calling..."
"but i still wanna stay with you"
"i'll text often"
motorcycle run with heaven air in my mind, i hate the world to day, you're so good to me i know but it can't change, i love you but...you're belong to someone else, so do i....beautiful sin come over me!!!
Cakra Hotel, Dagen Jogjakarta...July 29, 11.00am-12.30pm
its so real, babe... i wish can bit longer with you that noon, btw i love my tattoo pic there, mwaaaaahh!! (your Alvin)
ReplyDeletehaahaha...shut up, huney!!! ugly dude!! ggggghhhhrrrr....., masih sakit kupingnya? makanya jangan lama2 nyelem kalo renang!
ReplyDeletebabe... miss you (your Alvin)
ReplyDeletebut why you don't repply my sms last nite, seemd i sent thousand ;(
ReplyDeletehehehe..sorry, you know i slept, kecapekan habis renang, mmwaaaah..3x!!! (your Alvin)
ReplyDeleteyayayayaya.... love you too lah ;)