well...its kinda shilly story but it was really happen few years ago when i was very first time travelling alone in abroad and figur it out that gay life there totally deferent with the one in my home country, i was afraid to start fooling around at gay zone and seemed like little goat in the middle of lion's village. but finally i found my way and known how to do my best way, i said...never say now before you try... enjoy this tips ;) Here's How:
- First and foremost, forget about the stereotypes you may have about going somewhere alone. You are not a loser, a loner or desperate. You are merely by yourself. Being alone can feel awkward, but there are several positives.
- Prepare to go out like you would any other time.
- Ignore the fact that you are going out alone.
- Once you are at the desired location, enter with confidence as if you have a full entourage behind you. If a guy is interested in you, then you being alone can sometimes make him feel less intimidated.
- Sit at the table or have a drink.
- Keep your head up high, relax and be calm. This gives the impression that you are alone by choice not by circumstance.
- Just enjoy the atmosphere or hang out.
- Don’t distract yourself by reading magazines, fidgeting, or playing video games in a crowded place. This makes it seem like you are not open to conversation to others.
- Don’t talk to yourself, but behave like you normally would.
- Try not to feel awkward or intimidated. Most people will be intrigued by the confidence you have to be alone.
- More times than not someone will see you and start a conversation with you. Also, don’t be afraid to say hello to a stranger; especially one that is alone himself.
- Stay confident and keep your head up high. Being alone at places is a great way to meet to new friends and guys. Many are intimidated by groups. Some people would rather approach a guy that’s alone than one that’s with a group of friends!
- Finally, don’t worry if you don’t meet any new friends or guys every time you go out alone. Eventually you will!
wel...enjoy your great experiences, and never say now before you try, okay? have a great gay time ;)
hahahaha...lucu..lucu.. (Indra)