The first gay organization in Indonesia was founded in Solo in 1982,and it has been known to be the first one in Asia (read Barry Adam's"The Rise of a Gay and Lesbian Movement". Boston: Twayne Publishers,1991). The name of the organization was Lambda Indonesia, whichpublished a magazine called "G" (the letter "G" in the Indonesianlanguage is pronounced "gay").
The organization did not lastlong enough, nor was it large enough, but it has certainly raisedan awareness of existing gays and lesbians in Indonesia.Homosexuality is not illegal in Indonesia, and has traditionallybeen part of the culture. However, even though it is not illegal,it is not socially-desirable in western-oriented modern, urbanIndonesia. Another interesting cultural aspect is the existenceof "waria" (man-woman) which one would find in popular cultureall over the country. Warias are mostly cross-dressers/transgendersworking as entertainers, hairdressers, models, etc. and arevery much accepted in Indonesian society without being frownedat. (In 1967 the governor of Jakarta even organized a "MissDrag Queen Indonesia"......2 years before Stonewall!! :)Indonesians do not face discrimination in jobs such as their counterparts in other countries; therefore gays in Indonesia are lesspolitical. Nor do they have to hang out in exclusive gay bars,since physical intimacy between members of the same sex are notfrowned at. BUT the biggest issue gays have to face is "comingout to your family", since there is a big pressure to getmarried. The gay movement in Indonesia, therefore focusesmore on counseling, empowerment, and developing a positivegay identity within the Indonesian social environment.
There are now 11 "official" gay organizations scattered aroundthe country.
KKLGN, roughly translated as the Nusantara Gayand Lesbian Committee, is the national network based in Surabaya.They will be the one organizing the Asian conference next year.("Nusantara" means archipelago, and is the Indonesian termfor the country. Indonesia is a multicultural country of 13,000islands; whenever Indonesians talk about the pluralism of thecountry they use the word "Nusantara"; when they want toemphasize the national unity, then they use the term "Indonesia")
The organization did not lastlong enough, nor was it large enough, but it has certainly raisedan awareness of existing gays and lesbians in Indonesia.Homosexuality is not illegal in Indonesia, and has traditionallybeen part of the culture. However, even though it is not illegal,it is not socially-desirable in western-oriented modern, urbanIndonesia. Another interesting cultural aspect is the existenceof "waria" (man-woman) which one would find in popular cultureall over the country. Warias are mostly cross-dressers/transgendersworking as entertainers, hairdressers, models, etc. and arevery much accepted in Indonesian society without being frownedat. (In 1967 the governor of Jakarta even organized a "MissDrag Queen Indonesia"......2 years before Stonewall!! :)Indonesians do not face discrimination in jobs such as their counterparts in other countries; therefore gays in Indonesia are lesspolitical. Nor do they have to hang out in exclusive gay bars,since physical intimacy between members of the same sex are notfrowned at. BUT the biggest issue gays have to face is "comingout to your family", since there is a big pressure to getmarried. The gay movement in Indonesia, therefore focusesmore on counseling, empowerment, and developing a positivegay identity within the Indonesian social environment.
There are now 11 "official" gay organizations scattered aroundthe country.
KKLGN, roughly translated as the Nusantara Gayand Lesbian Committee, is the national network based in Surabaya.They will be the one organizing the Asian conference next year.("Nusantara" means archipelago, and is the Indonesian termfor the country. Indonesia is a multicultural country of 13,000islands; whenever Indonesians talk about the pluralism of thecountry they use the word "Nusantara"; when they want toemphasize the national unity, then they use the term "Indonesia")
saya 27th saat ini.
ReplyDeletesuka dg Usia lebih dewasa dari saya.
buat yg ngondek/kemayu cukup jadi kawan saja.
saya berharap partner special saya adalah Manly / gak seperti banci.
harapan sih pasti yg bisa ketemu.
kalo cuma online mah, sebentar aja dah lewat....
memang sih saya jauh di Babel.
tapi khan kalo dicari solusi pasti ketemu lah jalan keluarnya...
saya sih, lebih menghargai kalo anda2 berkenalan secara sopan.
udah bosan, tiap kenalan masuk, pasti sibuk nanyain ukuran Kontol...?
bukan munafik, tapi serasa anda seperti tidak punya etika.
bosan juga kenalan, yg menggunakan foto palsu...
apa muka anda seperti setan??? tidak pede menunjukan aslinya???
biasa aja... ganteng itu khan relatif...
buat apa malu dg muka sendiri???
kalo cakep yaa sukuri... jelek pun terima lah... sudah takdir... tak bisa dirubah...
menjadi Gay juga tidak harus seperti parasit.
kita masih bisa kok, bersosialisasi dg baik2.
belajar terima kenyataan.
tampil lah apa adanya...
tidak ada yg mustahil tuk sebuah kejujuran...
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aku cuma tertarik Pria Dewasa