Officially first love is like any other love, it’s about feeling for the first in life time come directly through our heart and scared a beautiful moment to remember. First time we knew how the romantic was, first time we became stronger like a super, became loyal to someone very close, and knew how to care, to give more attention and probably the very first time we can touch and learn bout sex. People said that first love is very special thing, it was the very first moment of heart touch by the angel soul, the heaven breath than it was so special for any live have been through. 90% yes its true, the conclusion is agree that first love is always unforgettable. But in life love isn’t always good, talking about unforgettable is divine to be two part, are “good unforgettable story” or the “bad unforgettable one”. Its only you can figure it out which part that you had already been through.
Sept 2001, He came to my vision when my hearts run to dry, when all the world seemed to be my only enemy, and the time was stay off from the feeling of love. I was dream to know how to felt love, was wondering to share my live with. Found him frozen seat in the bus and I felt like fire burned my eyes, my soul and my own imagination, but his smile pouring the cold water inside bring me the peace I always dreamt above. Knowing that time when I felt like I’m flying without those angel wing, and my heart beat fastly and I even can’t take him off out my eyes, I never believe love from the first sight but I was feel that it was true. Than that shy guy (me) was only kept the feeling, be the best friend for him and pay more time just be with him. I knew he loved me like I did, but both heart seemed to be hard gathered the word “me” and ‘you” become “us”. Until that day came, it was a year after (whatta shame) and I finally figure it out that he can’t be my lover. Can’t understand the words “miss” and “love” he always sent to my sms, attention loaded for my bright days with, but when I said I wanted him too he just walk away from my life.
Learning from story I definitely knew and say to you “when you love someone, never ever hypocrite to say you love him, never keep that feeling and pretend to be unlike him, all you have to do is tell him you love him, directly, out of loadly, because when you hide that love even for a while, love will pass you away”. Now life goes on, follow my time, and I found many great love and other wonderful stories with some one else. For me “sometime love is just like “a thief”, come without greeting and goes with no saying good bye”. All we have to do is never ever hesitate to catch the feel, when you found someone you love and love you back. Take him, bring him to your life, cause the true happiness is when we knew that we love him and he love you too.
So, do you think first love is unforgettable love for you?
Sept 2001, He came to my vision when my hearts run to dry, when all the world seemed to be my only enemy, and the time was stay off from the feeling of love. I was dream to know how to felt love, was wondering to share my live with. Found him frozen seat in the bus and I felt like fire burned my eyes, my soul and my own imagination, but his smile pouring the cold water inside bring me the peace I always dreamt above. Knowing that time when I felt like I’m flying without those angel wing, and my heart beat fastly and I even can’t take him off out my eyes, I never believe love from the first sight but I was feel that it was true. Than that shy guy (me) was only kept the feeling, be the best friend for him and pay more time just be with him. I knew he loved me like I did, but both heart seemed to be hard gathered the word “me” and ‘you” become “us”. Until that day came, it was a year after (whatta shame) and I finally figure it out that he can’t be my lover. Can’t understand the words “miss” and “love” he always sent to my sms, attention loaded for my bright days with, but when I said I wanted him too he just walk away from my life.
Learning from story I definitely knew and say to you “when you love someone, never ever hypocrite to say you love him, never keep that feeling and pretend to be unlike him, all you have to do is tell him you love him, directly, out of loadly, because when you hide that love even for a while, love will pass you away”. Now life goes on, follow my time, and I found many great love and other wonderful stories with some one else. For me “sometime love is just like “a thief”, come without greeting and goes with no saying good bye”. All we have to do is never ever hesitate to catch the feel, when you found someone you love and love you back. Take him, bring him to your life, cause the true happiness is when we knew that we love him and he love you too.
So, do you think first love is unforgettable love for you?
PS. theres a space inside my heart where i placed all our stories, love you forever...my 1st love ;)
i Like it... Thank u for your story... ^_^ (MoNyet)
ReplyDeletegreat story (Danu)
ReplyDeletecinta pertama is the best (Heru-sby)
ReplyDeletesliiiimmm....asli banget yah cerita loe, polos mampus, gue tahu seh, i know you hurted huney, but, yeah..lewat lah dah berlalu, hehehe.. (Ria.Erlyne)
ReplyDeleteSalam semua Gay / Bi indonesia
ReplyDeletesimple & to the poin,
saya sedang mencari kenalan untuk hubungan lebih Special.
yaaa... cari BF.
- saya suka yg bisa berpikir dewasa.
- yg pasti tidak gemulai.
- harus seperti cowok normal.
- tidak pernah tertarik kalo ngondek kayak banci.
- saya ingin hubungan jangka-panjang, setia tidak harus mengekang. saling menghargai & toleransi.
nah itulah pentingnya kedewasaan, jadi tidak harus egois.
- pengennya sih bisa merantau ikut ketempat dia. tapi lihat solusi terbaiklah...
- gay tidak harus sex melulu. banyak kok hal positif lainnya.
- saya lebih melihat sifat & watak dulu, pikirannya, hati...
tampang bukan jaminan kesetiaan.
mohon maaf, kalo saya kurang welcome dg basa-basi. kadang ngobrolpun malas kalo harus ngetik2 BB seharian. mohon kontak saya bila kamu juga sama2 sedang cari relationship....
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