Do you believe in love at first sight? Scientists study our brain activity and say that it’s quiet possible but everyone is free to believe or not to believe. i dont know but i try to find it, had been long time and it happend to me, yeah...superslimo was crazy that time, hahahha..
in gay life i do believe lot guys are so easy to fall in "like" and "love" but when it come the time to have sex, pfff... you may say "he's not strong enough to be my man, he's not a good kisser, etc".
some people claim that it happened like you raise your head, meet those eyes and tell yourself “It is Him!”. Psychologists say that love at first sight depends on our psychological state at the moment. In some case we won’t even notice those charming eyes in him, they can make a lasting impression on as. Also they say that it takes about 30 seconds to fall in love or precisely speaking to estimate whether the person is worth to fall in love with. By the way psychologists claim that men fall in love first. When you fall in love at the first sight you are usually ready and willing to fall in love.
it was happen infront of Ambarukmo Plaza Jogja, this may 15th, named Timo, i met him in chat, when it come time we arranged to meet, i'm in love to him, at first look, yeah...badly time jumped us at Liquid club and kiss crush upon us, i'm in love that time, i saw him like theres an angelo in my face, i can't breath, i can't think, i can't remember where were us that time. and felt let us flow... whatta short story till sky show me the reality, we can't belong each, but our stories already keep as my great short love ever ;)
Of causes beautiful people attract attention the most, but sometimes it’s wrong to fall in love with them easily because those people are experiencing much attention from the people of the other sex all the time and your delightful reaction may simply have no answers. you dont know him, does he has bf, or does he.s a bad boy or..., we never know..
But if you suddenly fall in love with quiet unknown person and see that it’s mutual that may mean even that mother-nature has chosen a partner that genetically suits you a lot. In this case it is like “aha, match! oh...finally.... or he's the one i've been looking for", oh...man..you're in love...so my advice tell it, out loadly...if you keep it even just for minutes, love will pass you away, oh...no...
jogja love story, dong? (Mario)