"How do I know my ex boyfriend still misses me or not?" Is a normal question in a gay world when a man searches answer for after a relationship ends once he wants to reunite with his ex boyfriend. When you still love your ex boyfriend, it's natural to desire to be aware of his feelings towards you.
Gay men get themselves into an emotional place where they long for their ex boyfriend so much that they just want to reach out to him. To these men, sending a text message seems like a safe way to let their ex know they miss him. The problem is that if you’re sending that message when you’re feeling overwhelmed
Since, if you are considering getting back together with your ex boyfriend, you don't wish to risk getting hurt once more as a result of admitting your love and then discovering that his feelings are different. Nobody desires to open themselves up and afterward get abandoned.
Below are some of the simple strategies and tips that will make your ex-boyfriend think of you and miss you like crazy;
1. Disappears, Absence is usually known to make the heart of men grow fonder each day. When you make yourself unavailable by not answering his calls or calling him back, he will start missing you, by answering the phone on the first ring means that he won’t miss you since he’ll know that you’ll always be at his call and beck. It is also important to use this time to catch up with your other friends and have fun, you can also do the things that you had wished to do while you were together or take a trip and give yourself enough time. This will help since you will create unexpected attention from him and also you will have enough time to relax and rest.
2. Don't mope and show him that you're desperate to him back, Male usually expects his partner to wallow and mope in grief after they brake-up and therefore you shouldn’t give him the guarantee or satisfaction of being right but instead you should live your life. Meet new people, go out and have fun to the maximum. This trick is to make you act and pretend that you have not been affected by the breakup and also you will look indifferent from what he expected. When he realizes that you are more confident and happier, he will unknowingly miss you.
3. Don't be angry, Specialists have proven that men are usually turned off by weepy. You should avoid as much as possible not to give in to any negative emotions because you might end up being angry or even weep over him. Act and smile and you will create more impressions even if he tries to resist. Definitely, he will not tell you that he is missing you but you will learn from his actions. If he tries to call you again, know that you have got him and it is advisable not to run back immediately. Give him more time.
4. Improve your situation, When your ex-boyfriend sees that you are improving things in life and becoming more attractive, he will definitely feel as though he is missing you. Never sit at home when you breakup with him, you may also consider dating again but shouldn’t be nothing serious and go out with friends. By mastering the art of him needing you back like crazy you will be able to bring him back within the shortest period and also he will never want to be away from you.
so... wanna know does he still miss you or not after broke up? try it!!-SuperSLIMO-
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