Tuesday, September 10, 2013

KolonG "10 tips How to Make Your Ex Boyfriend Regret Breaking It Off with you"

After being broken up with, it may seem impossible to pull your life back together and get back in control of your emotions, but with the right tactics before you know it you will be back to that confident, independent, happy man that your ex first fell in love with. Here's some tips of it;

1. Think about what you've learned from the relationship, and start using that in a daily basis. It may not have worked out between you, but maybe you learned better listening skills, to be less possessive or how to set personal boundaries.

2. Don't repress your feelings. This doesn't mean contacting your ex or making it public how much pain you are in. Take time to yourself to journal, go for a walk or go for coffee with a close friend to talk about the relationship and how you are feeling.

3. Write down a list of seven great qualities you have, and post it somewhere you will read it every day. Remember that people break up and start dating for many different reasons. Often times the break-up is not a reflection of you personally, rather the other persons issues. Try not to blame yourself or think that you no longer have anything to offer the world.

4. Don't rebound. This may temporarily make you feel better, but even after months of the new relationship when it's all said and done you will still be left with unresolved feelings about your ex. Take time to heal, stand on your own two feet. There is nothing more attractive then a confident, independent person.

5. Resist the urge to contact your ex. Your brain will be looking for any way possible to get in contact with him, or see how they're doing. Resist at all costs! By contacting him, you are submitting to his emotional manipulation and showing him that you are still obsessing over the break-up.

6. Breathe. Allow your emotions to take their natural course and don't push away feelings of rejection or hurt. They are normal and once fully experienced you will have a renewed sense of strength.

7. Keep yourself busy. When you have memory flashbacks or miss your ex's company, do anything to take your mind off it. It could be anything from rearranging your shelves to trying a new recipe.

8. Stay away from alcohol or other emotion evoking substances. You may think a night out with friends will be the perfect remedy, until that night of fun turns into tears in the bathroom and drunk texting.

9. Be mature about the situation. Don't send him hate mail, or give him any reason to be upset with you. You want him to remember you as the one that got away, not the psycho man who never left him alone after he broke it off.

10. Smile. Showing that you can find something to be happy about will attract positive people and things into your life. Break-ups can be devastating, but they also make you a stronger person. Let the warmth of your personality shine through that wonderful smile, and one day he'll realize what he lost.

[Adopted from: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Your-Ex-Boyfriend-Regret-Breaking-It-Off]

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