Welcome to my blog, the name KolonG-gendut took from Javanese language, "Kolong" means secret place under the bed where people always hide their important stuff, and "Gendut" means fat man. than KolonG-Gendut means "the fat man secret place". wish you have an extra ordinary experiences and become a "smart, good looking and behavior" gay in this life which sometime, people always look us as a bad society. Here I'll tell you all my stories!! enjoy...
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
KolonG Romantic Ideas for your Boy

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Kolong "Step to cut relationship with Posesive Dudes"

It was hard, because a possessive partner will try to make you feel that you need him – that you're nothing without him. here the sign to see if your boyfriend is posesive one;
1. He wants to know where you have been,
2. He calls and text you more ten times a day,
3. He claims to have no friends except you,
4. He tells you what to wear,
5. He creates a fuss when you invite friends over for lunch,
6. punished you when you have mistake,
7. pushed you to be with him all he want,
Being possessive will only push someone away, you are not something he can control, if he doesnt enjoy being with you, you should get out before someone gets hurt. Remember leaving is ALWAYS an option, dont let the chemical reactions in your brain tell you otherwise, you will get over him soon enough...
This is many step how to handle posesive boyfriend;
1. Everyone has problems in life. First you need to make sure if this possessiveness is really the kind of person he is, or if situations in life have turned him into this person. try to talk him why he has to be like that,
2. Tell him honestly and openly that you are your own person and he can either drop the possessiveness and treat you like a human being, or you will be forced to move on.
3. Take some time apart to recollect your thoughts and determine if he is fundamentally someone you want to spend your life with or if you are only a slave to the possessiveness.
4. Plan your exit. Create a safety plan and choose a place to go if needed.
5. If he can't change, Decide to end the relationship. It help you to change your situation. This life is your decision, also your love life.
6. Cut off any contacts with him, such as changing your contact number and email, cause possessive could do any stupid things to you,,,
The last act after all of this is Take some time for yourself. A time to heal. Now that you are settled into your new life, it is time to think about how this ordeal has affected you and heal. When you are happy within, when you learn to love yourself and enjoy life - only then will you be able to find meaningful lasting relationships.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
KolonG "is that normal if I still love him after we broke?"

It's the concepts of the "past", which come from memory, that make you feel depressed. Because you have been telling yourself that you want what you are thinking about in your mind, you have been wasting energy trying to reach a mirage (the thoughts are like a mirage).
Take a deep breath and allow the worries and doubts to drift by like clouds, and just watch the clouds in amusement without attaching to them.
If you would like to continue a relationship with him, you could just tell him whatever is the most honest thing to say. You could say that you don't care about his past, and that it's the present him that you enjoy so much. Maybe ask him to be honest about whether there's been anybody else, but if you do that make sure you ask him in a way where he feels welcome to be honest about it - make him feel like it won't hurt you to hear the truth, because if anything will stop him from being honest it's because he doesn't want you to be hurt.
I wish you a happy life, just remember that there is never anything that you need in order to be happy!
miss you Vino, you know I'm still here anytime you need to talk ;))
KolonG "5 Things Your Boyfriend Won't Tell You"

- Guys like being “the boyfriend.”
You might often think that guys are players-at-heart who love the single life and only settle down because society tells them that they have to, but nothing could be further from the truth. Sure there are some guys who get a serious case of the GIGS (Grass Is Greener Syndrome) every time they make a commitment to another guys but these are the exception not the rule. For the most part guys love being in love just as much as you do, and sometime they like being part of your life, or when you tell everybody that he's your boyfriend, even they never tell you bout this. - Guy don’t like when you pull away over.
Guys are competitive beasts so you’d think that the hard to get game would make them give chase, and in the beginning stages of a relationship it does, but once he made a commitment to you, he want the chase to stop. If you keep it up, if you keep pushing him away with your right hand while pulling him closer with your left, you’ll quickly find that he start pulling away altogether. He doesn’t want to chase you forever so when you pull away from him, he pull away from you in what amounts to a psychological tug-o-war. The more you pull away the more he respond in kind. Keep it up and everyone just gets tired and calls it quits. So once you’ve landed your guy doesn't keep playing hard to get, instead let him know that you’re happy you were caught. - Guy want his friends to like you… but not love you.
In guy world the approval of his friends is very important so it makes sense that he want his friends to like you. But what they don’t want is for them to covet you. When he hook up with a very hot guy and his buddies ogle him it is a real turn off. This is why so many really pretty guys find themselves single. He just can’t handle the thought of losing you to one of his friends. So if his friends like you and think you're cool that’s great but keep distance. Unfortunately this is totally out of your control. If you've ever been dumped by a guy who you thought really liked you shortly after meeting his friends take comfort in the fact that you were probably just too hot for him to handle. So behave!! - Guys want you to like, but not love, their friends.
Sometimes no matter how great you are his friends will only act luke-warm toward you. This is most likely not your fault and usually has nothing to do with you, but Guy doesn’t want you to go out of your way to get his friends to like you because he want your energy focused on him and only us. He doesn’t want you to care to his friends much. He want your efforts and attentions to rest firmly on him. Is that immature? Probably. But hey, they’re guys! - Guys worry that YOU will dump THEM.
If there is one thing to see over and over about how to keep a guy interested but that’s not really very hard. When guy like you, he like you and that’s all there is to it. In reality he probably spend more time worrying that you’ll dump him than he would ever spend thinking about dumping you. So relax and stop fixating on how or when his relationship will end and just be his boyfriend. That’s all it really takes to keep a guy happy.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Kolong "Top 10 signs that show the man is into you!"

Additional Notes and Pointers…
When a man loves you, he puts on his top priority list. Open flirting might not always mean that the man loves you but the bestowal of more attention to what you say and what you like is a definite sign of interest and possible love. He would hasten to act all your requests, irrespective of the time of the day. Even if you call him at 2-00 a.m. in the morning, for example, and tell him that you have headache but out of stock of the medication, he would rush to a 24-hour drugstore, get the medicine and come to your place with that [so romantic, thank CHEPPY for doing that to me that time].
It is very difficult for a lot of men to show their love in an open manner. Even the most courageous man can become shy when it comes to the woman he loves. His speech would be halting and hesitant. He would start to say something, stop, think it over again and then utter what is in his mind. It is because he is just getting to know you better and still not sure whether you would like what he says. Even though men are usually more guarded in the initial stages, men are equally nervous around the men they love. However, the man who is in love with you will take the extra steps in pleasing you. He would groom his hair and care more about the way he dresses when he is with you. Such acts reveal that he wants to look good for you. Take a mental note of these signs. Also, when he talks to you in a low voice so that others would not be able to hear what he says, this mean that he wants the conversation to be exclusively between him and you and he wants to connect with you on an intimate level.
Last, but not least…
If he is into you, he will compliment you not only to you in person, but also to his friends. He will speak highly of you to others. He will go the extra mile in showing respect to your family (when he meets them). He will call you several times a day without any special reason, but just to hear your voice. Whenever he is talking about the future, he will tend to use words like “we”, “us”, and “our” rather than “I”, “me”, and “mine”. Use of such words is a sure sign of his planning a future long-term relationship with you.
When you leave and say goodbye after a date or get together, he will keep looking at your until you disappear from his view. When a man is into you, he will arrive early for a meeting and would leave after you, if he is not accompanying you to your place. Even when he drops you at your home, he will wait until you have entered the house and close the door before leaving. All these signs definitely show that the man is into you and desires a long-term relationship with you. Act positively and let not this chance pass you by.
- The man can't seem to stop talking to you everyday.
- He is not dating anybody else except you.
- He starts treating your mother the way he treats his own mother.
- He starts using words like “we”, “our”, and “us” more during conversations with you, particularly when he is talking about the future.
- He is keeping a photo of yours on his desk.
- He starts keeping your favorite food items in his refrigerator.
- He bestows top priority to you over his work and other relationships.
- He keeps saying nice things about you when he talks to his friends.
- He does all your errands without the least hesitation.
- He keeps looking at you in the most admiring way even when other men are around
[SLIMO with love-sessions.com]Kolong "Flirt for Success Secrets"

1.Eye Power. If you spot a person who you are interested in attracting, then make sure to make distinct eye contact with him. Once the two of you make that contact, give them a smile that lets them know that you are very happy to see them and that you find them very attractive. You know the smile we are talking about! The smile that tells people just how confident and sexy you can be! Give them that fixed, luring eye that they just will not be able to resist!
2.Smiling Sexy is one of the most irresistible things about a person is their sexy smile! Make a habit of smiling a lot when you are out. You do not have to smile for no reason 24 hours a day of course, but do smile when you make eye contact with people. It will draw them to you, because people find smiling very confident and desirable.
The next time you see an attractive person you like, use your pearly whites as bait! If you wish to succeed in hinting all the right hints and getting the reaction you are looking for, then Playful Humor is the way to go! You can apply this on a person you just met, or on a date. Pick a good time in your conversation to lightly pick on him or her about something or make light jokes at your expense! People find it a turn on when you are able to laugh at yourself and make them laugh. Avoid making critical jokes about other people though, for it will only make you look insensitive and you will not succeed.
3.Touchy Feely is something you should only do if the both of you are on a comfortable level. Doing a little touchy feely on a date will put you on the right track! It lets your date know that they are wanted and desired and they will most likely respond to you with some touchy feely as well! Do it gently and never go overboard. For example, if you are at dinner, you can eventually gently place your hand on his or her hand and then smile. See how they respond.
4.Bring up Sexy Talk, the one main subject that men in common in the first place lust and sex! Do not get too detailed or pornographic, but just start by asking what turns him on in a person. If the respond comfortably, the two of you may take the conversation as far as the both of you wish it to! Or if you see someone who catches your eye, say something such as, You have a very captivating smile or Your eyes are so hypnotic and inviting. Choose your words wisely, for you want to please them and have them desire you, not get offended by you!
5.If you want to be a successful flirt and attract your date, then Take Charge! Never wait for them to take the lead in a date. In fact, you will be making it easier on them by taking over as host and that will really impress them and draw them even closer to you. Make sure you know a few good and interesting topics to bring up before your date, so that you do not run out of ideas and get stuck! However, you do not want to over talk either, otherwise you will come as a chatterbox and turn him off.
6.You need to be a good Listening Skills as well! Everyone likes to be heard and paid attention to, so be a good date by giving your date that attention they crave so dearly for. By being a good listener, you will prove to your date that you are indeed very interested in them and it will make them open up to you even more!
7.If you see someone you find attractive, a good way to succeed getting to know him is by staring at him and Getting Busted for it! You have to get caught; otherwise they will never know you had your eye on them. Do not stare at him in a sense that could scare off, but do it mysteriously, and when he catches you doing so, just give him a friendly and bright smile.
8.If he smile back, you can go up and say hello. Giving a sweet Wink is another successful and obvious way of flirting! Just do it once after making eye contact with that certain person and see how he react. If he react positively and you wish to pursue further with the flirting, then you can say hello and ask him how they are doing today, and ask them for a name. Last but not least, it is also essential to Compliment the person you have a particular interest in attracting. By complimenting him, you will make them feel special and attractive and this is exactly what you must do if you wish to be a successful flirt and expert. Examples of compliments would be making a nice comment on his hair, clothing, perfume or cologne, eyes, smile and so on. Avoid making comments on his body parts, because you will most likely offend him and come off as a pervert, which is not what you are aiming for! By following these secrets, you can hardly go wrong in getting to know the people you lust to meet!
[dedicate for My Denny, SLIMO with love-sessions.com]Monday, June 21, 2010
KolonG "Janji Cino"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I know When you’re single, everyone asks you the same question. When are you getting in relationship with the boy? why aren’t you choose any guys to be your love? wanna make love with me? Whatever the reason is you’re probably tired of hearing it.
It can sometimes be even worse if you’re single, in your thirty’s and you don’t even have a steady mate. People sometimes wonder what’s wrong with you. The answer to that question is obviously nothing. You can be happy and single without a mate.
The first step to being single and happy is to be happy with yourself. If you are happy with who you are then it won’t matter what other people say or think. Because there will be many times as a single person that you will want to go out and do something but don’t have any one to do anything with. For example, if all of your closest friends are married or have a significant other you may feel like a third wheel hanging out with them. Or the only free time these couples may have they want to spend it alone with each other or other couples. This is no time to feel sorry for yourself. Get out of the house and do something. Don’t be afraid to do your favorite activities by yourself.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
KolonG Saturday Nite Gay Education, Many Straight Men Have Gay Sex

Nearly 10% of Self-Proclaimed 'Straight' Men Only Have Sex With Men
Nearly one in 10 men who say they're straight have sex only with other men, a New York City survey finds. And 70% of those straight-identified men having sex with men are married. In fact, 10% of all married men in this survey report same-sex behavior during the past year. This means safe-sex messages aimed at straight and gay men are likely missing this important subgroup, suggest Preeti Pathela, DrPH, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and colleagues.
"To reduce the burden of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection among men who have sex with men, it is of utmost importance for [health care] providers to take a sexual history that ascertains the sex of a partner," Pathela and colleagues report. "Asking about a patient's sexual identity will not adequately assess his risk."
Straight Men Who Have Sex With Men
In 2003, Pathela's team performed telephone interviews with nearly 4,200 New York City men. They conducted the interviews in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian; a translation service helped with interviews in Greek, Korean, Yiddish, Polish, and Haitian Creole. In nearly every study of sexual behavior, the percentage of men who report sex with men is higher than the percentage of men who report being gay. So Pathela and colleagues first asked the men if they were bisexual, gay, or straight. Then they asked about specific sexual behaviors.
Some of the findings:
- Straight-identified men who have sex with men report fewer sex partners than gay men.
- Straight-identified men who have sex with men report fewer STDs in the past year than gay men.
- Straight-identified men who have sex with men are less likely than gay men to report using a condom during their last sexual encounter.
- Straight-identified men who have sex with men are more likely to be foreign born than gay men.
Also, a man who says he is straight but is having sex with other men is more likely to be married than a straight man who has sex with women, according to the survey. Only 54% of the men who say they're straight and have sex with women are married, compared with the 70% marriage rate among the men who say they're straight but have sex with men. Pathela and colleagues note that because they report fewer STDs and fewer sex partners than gay men, straight-identified men who have sex with men may think they are at lower risk of HIV and STDs. This isn't necessarily so.
The men with whom these straight-identified men have sex may themselves have multiple sex partners and elevated STD and HIV risk. The low rate of condom use makes the straight-identified men vulnerable. "Prevention messages should focus on the activities that pose risk -- for example, unprotected receptive anal sex -- and should not be framed to appeal solely to gay-identified men," Pathela and colleagues suggest.
PS. for BudhyBug....peace, ok?
KolonG "this ain't a love story"

My story was begin song long time ago when i was living in Jogja, and I'd love to tell here for you, Here’s my story..
[EmoBoy] hey I’m in jogja now, can we meet this is my number 0819312*****
[me] sure, let’s meet, mine 08172*****
Saturday night, Greenz Café Seturan, than its like wind blow we’re sms and decided the right place for meet, talk much, laugh much, and what I felt that time, happy to have a new pal, looking of his eyes like I run away thought the green grass in the middle of freeze morning and it became peace through my heart. Emo is great boy, being honest he’s totally my type, skinny and tall, nice black smooth skin, fat hair and seemed that he’s kinds and truly need just friend. I see him deeply that night, the way he talked, smile and touch my hand make me felt so comfort, seemed like never show any naughty mind in his head. -first test- I touch his back and his hair while we were talking, he looked at me back and smile, I knew firstly he felt un comfort but heart and mind of him let me to do that touch away with no regret, his eyes seemed to say it just of care as a best pal, and he also enjoy time to be touched so much fun. What make my weekend much bright when it came 2nd night of our met , Sunday, we’re in other café, Earth Café Babarsari, so much fun while we were browsing gay porno web inside the public, hehehe… that was stupid but we didn’t fucking care with others, close to midnight went to my room and we’ve got plenty of time to chat. –second test- holding him from behind, and his response still same, smile and said how comfort he got that hold said “nice, bro..” it came midnight when I bring him back I felt like I wont lose him, I want some more time being together, gonna miss him badly, -last test- sms him that I miss him and wish we can more further than just a friend, he replied to thank an wish we can be a best friend, just a best friend. Bingo…!!! Congratulation….!!! He past the test and it make me sure that this is what I’m looking for, pure friend with no benefits, and kinds. Together with him again is all what I want, and there will be no more dirty mind inside. Friendship is everything, best friend is the best gift that we deserve to get in this entire world, and some time we already got even we never realize..
Ps. For my EmoBoy, Thanks for the best weekend, bro. keep in touch ok? I’m gonna miss you… ;(