My story was begin song long time ago when i was living in Jogja, and I'd love to tell here for you, Here’s my story..
[EmoBoy] hey I’m in jogja now, can we meet this is my number 0819312*****
[me] sure, let’s meet, mine 08172*****
Saturday night, Greenz Café Seturan, than its like wind blow we’re sms and decided the right place for meet, talk much, laugh much, and what I felt that time, happy to have a new pal, looking of his eyes like I run away thought the green grass in the middle of freeze morning and it became peace through my heart. Emo is great boy, being honest he’s totally my type, skinny and tall, nice black smooth skin, fat hair and seemed that he’s kinds and truly need just friend. I see him deeply that night, the way he talked, smile and touch my hand make me felt so comfort, seemed like never show any naughty mind in his head. -first test- I touch his back and his hair while we were talking, he looked at me back and smile, I knew firstly he felt un comfort but heart and mind of him let me to do that touch away with no regret, his eyes seemed to say it just of care as a best pal, and he also enjoy time to be touched so much fun. What make my weekend much bright when it came 2nd night of our met , Sunday, we’re in other café, Earth Café Babarsari, so much fun while we were browsing gay porno web inside the public, hehehe… that was stupid but we didn’t fucking care with others, close to midnight went to my room and we’ve got plenty of time to chat. –second test- holding him from behind, and his response still same, smile and said how comfort he got that hold said “nice, bro..” it came midnight when I bring him back I felt like I wont lose him, I want some more time being together, gonna miss him badly, -last test- sms him that I miss him and wish we can more further than just a friend, he replied to thank an wish we can be a best friend, just a best friend. Bingo…!!! Congratulation….!!! He past the test and it make me sure that this is what I’m looking for, pure friend with no benefits, and kinds. Together with him again is all what I want, and there will be no more dirty mind inside. Friendship is everything, best friend is the best gift that we deserve to get in this entire world, and some time we already got even we never realize..
Ps. For my EmoBoy, Thanks for the best weekend, bro. keep in touch ok? I’m gonna miss you… ;(
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