- Guys like being “the boyfriend.”
You might often think that guys are players-at-heart who love the single life and only settle down because society tells them that they have to, but nothing could be further from the truth. Sure there are some guys who get a serious case of the GIGS (Grass Is Greener Syndrome) every time they make a commitment to another guys but these are the exception not the rule. For the most part guys love being in love just as much as you do, and sometime they like being part of your life, or when you tell everybody that he's your boyfriend, even they never tell you bout this. - Guy don’t like when you pull away over.
Guys are competitive beasts so you’d think that the hard to get game would make them give chase, and in the beginning stages of a relationship it does, but once he made a commitment to you, he want the chase to stop. If you keep it up, if you keep pushing him away with your right hand while pulling him closer with your left, you’ll quickly find that he start pulling away altogether. He doesn’t want to chase you forever so when you pull away from him, he pull away from you in what amounts to a psychological tug-o-war. The more you pull away the more he respond in kind. Keep it up and everyone just gets tired and calls it quits. So once you’ve landed your guy doesn't keep playing hard to get, instead let him know that you’re happy you were caught. - Guy want his friends to like you… but not love you.
In guy world the approval of his friends is very important so it makes sense that he want his friends to like you. But what they don’t want is for them to covet you. When he hook up with a very hot guy and his buddies ogle him it is a real turn off. This is why so many really pretty guys find themselves single. He just can’t handle the thought of losing you to one of his friends. So if his friends like you and think you're cool that’s great but keep distance. Unfortunately this is totally out of your control. If you've ever been dumped by a guy who you thought really liked you shortly after meeting his friends take comfort in the fact that you were probably just too hot for him to handle. So behave!! - Guys want you to like, but not love, their friends.
Sometimes no matter how great you are his friends will only act luke-warm toward you. This is most likely not your fault and usually has nothing to do with you, but Guy doesn’t want you to go out of your way to get his friends to like you because he want your energy focused on him and only us. He doesn’t want you to care to his friends much. He want your efforts and attentions to rest firmly on him. Is that immature? Probably. But hey, they’re guys! - Guys worry that YOU will dump THEM.
If there is one thing to see over and over about how to keep a guy interested but that’s not really very hard. When guy like you, he like you and that’s all there is to it. In reality he probably spend more time worrying that you’ll dump him than he would ever spend thinking about dumping you. So relax and stop fixating on how or when his relationship will end and just be his boyfriend. That’s all it really takes to keep a guy happy.
[slimo and about.com]
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