Some pals of mine wrote me email bout why they have been single for along time, they said “am I not good enough? Am I not sexy? Am I too selfish, am I too selective? why people don’t like me?” no… never judge yourself like that. Sometime to be Single gay is so much fun when knowing how to be a happy, you may decide all aspect of your life with your own way, no arguing with some one about what food you want have for dinner, no one comment to your hairstyle, you probably spend money not too much, free to call your pals for hang out, travelling and meet lot new pal for your society, no one call you just to ask where you are, what you do, and you may do whatever you wanna do with no regret. So it is particularly moment in your life time to feel freedom, eventually you can share and give your love for everyone..
Feeling lonely is the most enemy of your single status, but never hesitates to call your close pal and pay them for dinner just to buy your time to talk, or spoil yourself at spa center or public swimming pool to taste the best orange juice in life. Many bright ideas how to kill your loneliness but the most, never thought that you’re a single, any how you’re not the only one single gay in this planet. Remember… being a single is not that bad hover being in relationship is also not that good.
Here some tips to erase your loneliness when it come figure you out that you’re single, and may it can help you to attract some guys jumping to your next love life ;
1. Update your style, single means anything just on your arms. so go to the mall or boutique just for trying some new mode and shirt to make over your look. When it comes really fit for your performance, just take it and be proud to show.
2. Mobile yourself, you never know there are many single men like you out of your society. Jump to visit your pals very often, spend your spare time through cafes or bars near by, attend in rock music concert, charge your rave party, or just see futsal game while you enjoying lots straight guys there.
3. Chatting, isn’t that bad even just for fun, we know a few good men there in channel but we never know may your prince of charming waiting you out there. keep on chat and browsing gay dating web or up dating your facebook daily.
4. Buy some t-shirt with word “I’m single” Play naughty way just to express yourself, being bitchy is not that bad sometime, Enjoy your weekend by shopping or just fooling around in some Club, you may do 5-S there (seat, see, sign, sex,….see you) hahahaha..
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