“Unfortunately, society puts so much pressure on singles, to be in relationships that people forget that they have to be happy with themselves in order to be happy with someone else. That applies to friendships as well as intimate relationships.”
It is understandable that you may feel lonely and disconnected when you are on your own, but you must really master the art of being alone and happy before you will be able to be in a happy relationship. The best way you can jump start this realization would be to find a life purpose/passion. Many singles are waiting for a relationship to infuse their life with passion and purpose, not realizing that having a loving partner is not a substitute for a meaningful life. You must find a purpose for waking up in the morning, have a vision of your place in the world and what contribution you want to leave. Be powered by your passion, by taking action.Being single is a choice. well, happiness is a state of mind. If you're not happy with yourself, in relationship or single, won't make a difference. There are however several things about being single and happy at the same time, that are advantageous. Being single and happy means that you can have a fella over to dinner, have fun to close with anyone else at the end of the evening, free to love all your pals.
best pal said "I am happy being single again. The one thing that I hated dealing with when it was over between my boyfriend and I was the loneliness. I didn't like the drama and I love going out to clubs and parties. I have lot friends to go out with and party with. I love going to places that I never been before. "
Being Single and happy depend on your life, You must be as enthusiastic in discovering yourself as you were in discovering other people. The more you like YOU, the happier you will be living even alone. The cliche "If it not broke don't fix it," Make yourself into someone interesting, someone you'll enjoy living with. If you're unhappy living alone, you've no one to blame but yourself. ;))
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