sumtime we made some mistake when we found sumone new and work with him by dumbed our boy. By time passed by we just realize that having A heart's war with our ex-bf is not a good way to find our peace life. Well, we knew it is certainly possible to get your forgiveness but at least we have to say SORRY and ask any possible to be his friend again and erase all bad memories between. However, there are certain things that you should take note.
First, why are you seeking forgiveness? What have you done? did he hurt him much that time, did you said the worse words to make him impossible to forgive? You have to understand that the bigger the mistake, the longer the whole process take. You have to be prepared that it is going to take you a very long time to gain your ex's forgiveness.
If you think about it, it is common sense. Imagine someone being dumbed by his lover because there's someone new among them, I believe his love will angry and hate him, If you apologize on the spot that time, what do you think will happen? Do you think if he forgive you, his forgiveness will be taken seriously? Well, obviously not!
Apology can actually be a very powerful tool to help you gain forgiveness. However, you have to use it the right way. If you use it wrongly, an apology will not work. In fact, it will even make the situation worse.
One of the keys to apology is the timing. As mentioned above, apologizing immediately after broke is not going to work. You need to wait for your ex to calm down first before you attempt to apologize to him. Many people make the mistakes of trying to apologize too soon. Another mistake that you should take note of is that you should never try to defend yourself during the apology.
TIPS: A lot of people make this mistake by saying, 'I am sorry, but...' Never use the word 'BUT' in your apology. When you use this word, you are giving the impression that you are trying to defend yourself.
Get Ex Back to be your friend? It is difficult to explain but if you found the good time to apologize just do it. you probably knew that he may won't meet you or just under estimate your act but keep trying to be nice to him, cause there's always a forgiveness if you know how to explain and show your serious apology. But if he can't accept your apology, maybe he still need more time to forgive you, keep trying, show him that you have a good mission to him [want to be his good friend again]. ;)) |
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