ME : Dont feel so, in a gay life sometime guys love to flirt than have a serious relationship, but anyhow love is nice, you only have to be patient and you will see that the right person comes. But the most important thing is that you have to love your self first. Because happiness becomes only inside of you. HERE MANY FRIENDS OF MINE TRY TO GIVE SOME ADVISES ;)
FLOWER : in fact the love is not difficult we make it so difficult why…when two person love each other ….keep selint…till hard moment comes …why the lovers make thier love so complete, whereas they can be happy….why one of them make mistake the other complicate the situation, why and why there is no ending to this ,but what i want to say …love is not difficult and it willn't be….but people by them selves make it so so difficult.
PRINCE OF LOVE ; There is no love without pain. Love is such a wonderful feeling, which no one can deny it's existence, but most of the people mix up btw like and love. Both of them have different meaning, where like only exist for a certain time, but love stays forever that's why most of the love story that we hear ends up badly coz none of the couples are sure about their feelings, but ofcourse there are exceptions, I mean those people who knows what they feel towards the other. But the right love will not be difficult – I get behind this sentence!!
LARRY CHEN : good words, love is so difficult to realize and to get. it's not easy to distinguish love and like. when you like someone, you may fall in love with her, but what if the like is not love? we should act more bravely in the process to search for the right one, as unless we try more and experience more can we find the real love
MATRIX : I heard my grandmother said " The more difficult love you find the sweeter love you get"
MED SADOK : the only thing that i belive that love exist and to have it you must live a very difficult experience in order to earn it . love is the most powerfull feeling that a humain being can feel so i dont belive that it will be easy.
MISS.CHUN : maybe it's love , or i can say that it's life , we always miss something we really wanna hold in
ORQUIDEA : For me love is not difficult, the problem is that we complicated every thing. Because people are complicated. Love is easy, but we always obsed with the wrong person, That don't deserve us. "And we have to learn to love but not in a selfish way"
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