1.You have met his people
If a boy is planning on using you and then kicking you to the curb, he won’t bother introducing you to his friends and family. Chances are if you have met the majority of his circle of friends, he’s planning to keep you around for a while. Having open, friendly relations with the people in his life is a good sign of his reliability.
2.Take note of his interactions with his friends and family. Does he frequently have screaming fights with his sister? Are you used to hearing about what a terrible person his best friend is? If he is constantly in conflict with or gossiping about the people that are supposed to be closest to him, it’s a sign that he might not be as trustworthy as you would like.
3.he is easy to reach
Being able to trust a boy has a lot to do with reliability and availability. If you can count on him to show up when he says he will, return your phone calls quickly and be open with his schedule, he’s probably pretty dependable.
4.If, on the other hand, he’s the kind of man who breaks plans at the last minute, takes days to call you back and is secretive about plans that don’t include you, you may have something to worry about. Of course, you shouldn’t have to keep tabs on him every move throughout the day, but a boyfriend you can trust will communicate with you on regular basis and not hide things from you.
4.He has normal relations with exes
If he’s on good terms with his exes, it’s a sign that things didn’t go terribly wrong in his past relationships and this bodes well for your coupledom. You don’t necessarily want her to be BFFs with her exes, but if all he has to tell about him relationships with them are horror stories, it might be a sign that she can’t be trusted. After all, he is the common denominator in all of those relationships. One or two bad breakups can be overlooked, but if he despises every guy he has ever dated, chances are you’ll join the list eventually. Don’t trust a boy who can’t say anything nice about the men that have come before you. Alternatively, you should question the intentions of a boy who has only lovely and complimentary things to say about all of his exes. There has got to be a reason they broke up and if he can’t identify it, he’s either lying or not very observant.
5.You have never caught him in a lie
Some people are excellent liars, but even the best will get caught in a lie eventually. Even little white lies can be a problem if they are told frequently enough. Even if it’s about something as silly as his real hair color, a lie is an indication that he doesn’t have trouble deceiving you. Trivial falsehoods can grow into major betrayals in no time. So if you catch him in a lie, call him on it and ask why he didn’t tell you the truth. If you have never found out he has lied to you, it either means she’s a champion fibber or he really is truthful and worthy of your trust. Your gut will tell you which one applies.
6.Time tells all
The only way you’ll know for sure if you can trust the boy you’re dating is through time and experience. It’s almost impossible to know for certain if you can truly trust someone after only a few weeks, but if he proves himself loyal, reliable and honest over time, you’ll know you have found yourself a good one.
ps. Alvin,...tell me how do i trust you? badboy....gggghhhrrrr.....!!!!
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