I am going through the same thing in my relationship at the moment.
Where this guy once couldn't stop texting me, is now too busy for me
because of working..
I think that's what guys do. They take ONE thing at a time. And they
are horrible multitaskers. Don't even expect them to juggle multiple
things, like work and relationship.
I keep telling my man I miss all the things he used to send and pet
names he used to call me. His response? "Oh I don't think I'm doing
anything different. Why are you so worried?" UGHHHH
Frankly, I'm quite worried
right now too since he has his project and he doesn't really text me any
lovey dovey things or call me or take out time for me. But I know how he
can get during his project (we've been together for a year so I know) and
well, I am trying my best to give him space to just focus on what is on
his priority list right now.
say you are worrying about nothing and just go on being the fun people he
fell in love with and he will be back to normal when things in his life
settle down. If you really love him you'll be understanding that he
can't talk a lot and if you can't handle that, then you guys aren't mean
to be. Got to be patient which is so hard I know.
Sometimes I am even afraid that he
will dump me or something just because of the lack of interest that is
visible. But maybe I am being ridiculous and so are you. Just because he doesn't show it all the time like I do, doesn't mean he doesn't love me anymore. wish you have the same mind with me ;)
Lets stay positive shall we? :)
Welcome to my blog, the name KolonG-gendut took from Javanese language, "Kolong" means secret place under the bed where people always hide their important stuff, and "Gendut" means fat man. than KolonG-Gendut means "the fat man secret place". wish you have an extra ordinary experiences and become a "smart, good looking and behavior" gay in this life which sometime, people always look us as a bad society. Here I'll tell you all my stories!! enjoy...
Monday, December 10, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
KolonG "Israel Surganya Kaum Gay"
Selama ini, Israel dikenal sebagai tujuan wisata ziarah. Namun lima
tahun terakhir, tanah yang Tuhan janjikan versi bangsa Yahudi, ini telah
menjadi daya tarik bagi kaum gay.
Menurut Yaniv Poria, profesor di jurusan hotel dan manajemen wisata Universitas Ben Gurion, hampir tiap hotel kelas atas di Israel menyediakan pantai khusus untuk kaum lelaki sesama jenis.
Sebut saja pantai Hassidic di Tel Aviv. Bagian pantai yang dikelola Hotel Hilton ini dibagi dua dengan tembok lebih dari delapan meter. Di bagian dalam, tiap Ahad, Selasa, Kamis, khusus bagi perempuan. Pada Senin, Rabu, dan Jumat giliran kaum lelaki.
Aturan ini sesuai halachic, ajaran agama Yahudi yang melarang lelaki dan perempuan belum menikah melihat lawan jenis dengan pakaian minim. Tapi di luar tembok, kaum pria, para homo, bisa mandi tiap hari di pantai.
Ini tidak menghenrankan. Sebab menurut Poria, pemerintah mendukung promosi wisata kaum gay yang dikenal dengan industri “dolar merah muda”. “Seperti negara-negara lain, pemerintah memasarkan di tingkat lokal atau secara rahasia,” ujarnya, seperti dilansir surat kabar Christian Science Monitor.
Karena itu tidak mengherankan bila wisatawan gay ke Israel terus melonjak. Menurut Shai Doitsh, kepala departemen wisata gay di Agudah (Perkumpulan Gay, Lesbian, Biseksual, dan Transkelamin Israel), tahun ini saja jumlah pelancong gay sudah ribuan. Padahal lima tahun lalu masih ratusan.
Aturan yang kian longgar memang mempermudah. Mahkamah Agung Israel telah menetapkan sodomi bukan kejahatan sejak dua dekade lalu. Kaum gay juga bisa masuk militer, mewarisi hartanya, dan menikah. Tahun ini, pasangan sesama jenis dibolehkan mengadopsi anak.
Tentu saja, lonjakan ini menggusarkan kelompok Yahudi konsevatif. Tahun lalu, mereka memaksa kementerian pariwisata menghentikan promosi wisata gay dan anggota parlemen ortodoks mengancam menggulingkan pemerintahan. “Pihak-pihak yang tidak mengakui kesucian Yerusalem harus menjauh,” kata Wakil Perdana Menteri Eli Yishai dari Partai Shas yang sangat religius. (mdk/net)
Menurut Yaniv Poria, profesor di jurusan hotel dan manajemen wisata Universitas Ben Gurion, hampir tiap hotel kelas atas di Israel menyediakan pantai khusus untuk kaum lelaki sesama jenis.
Sebut saja pantai Hassidic di Tel Aviv. Bagian pantai yang dikelola Hotel Hilton ini dibagi dua dengan tembok lebih dari delapan meter. Di bagian dalam, tiap Ahad, Selasa, Kamis, khusus bagi perempuan. Pada Senin, Rabu, dan Jumat giliran kaum lelaki.
Aturan ini sesuai halachic, ajaran agama Yahudi yang melarang lelaki dan perempuan belum menikah melihat lawan jenis dengan pakaian minim. Tapi di luar tembok, kaum pria, para homo, bisa mandi tiap hari di pantai.
Ini tidak menghenrankan. Sebab menurut Poria, pemerintah mendukung promosi wisata kaum gay yang dikenal dengan industri “dolar merah muda”. “Seperti negara-negara lain, pemerintah memasarkan di tingkat lokal atau secara rahasia,” ujarnya, seperti dilansir surat kabar Christian Science Monitor.
Karena itu tidak mengherankan bila wisatawan gay ke Israel terus melonjak. Menurut Shai Doitsh, kepala departemen wisata gay di Agudah (Perkumpulan Gay, Lesbian, Biseksual, dan Transkelamin Israel), tahun ini saja jumlah pelancong gay sudah ribuan. Padahal lima tahun lalu masih ratusan.
Aturan yang kian longgar memang mempermudah. Mahkamah Agung Israel telah menetapkan sodomi bukan kejahatan sejak dua dekade lalu. Kaum gay juga bisa masuk militer, mewarisi hartanya, dan menikah. Tahun ini, pasangan sesama jenis dibolehkan mengadopsi anak.
Tentu saja, lonjakan ini menggusarkan kelompok Yahudi konsevatif. Tahun lalu, mereka memaksa kementerian pariwisata menghentikan promosi wisata gay dan anggota parlemen ortodoks mengancam menggulingkan pemerintahan. “Pihak-pihak yang tidak mengakui kesucian Yerusalem harus menjauh,” kata Wakil Perdana Menteri Eli Yishai dari Partai Shas yang sangat religius. (mdk/net)
Sunday, September 30, 2012
KolonG "Ten Tips To Get Your Man To Commit"
You’ve been seeing a man who loves you, whether he uses the word or not. He loves sex with you, but more than that, he loves being with you. Even so, he hasn’t committed himself to you fully. Perhaps he’s still vague about weekend plans, or he hasn’t introduced you to his friends. Maybe he hasn’t asked you to marry him, though you’ve been seeing each other steadily or living together for a long time.
If so, he is like millions of men who cheat themselves and the woman they care about out of a life that would make you both very happy. He is obviously afraid – possibly even phobic — about commitment. Is there anything you can do to help him take the step that will bring ultimate happiness to both of you? The answer is “yes,” and the solutions are simple, easy adjustments that will cost you nothing and will end up bringing the fulfillment and commitment you’ve dreamed of. Here are 10 tips for getting your man to commit:
1. Make it easy for him to confide in you by listening without giving him advice or criticizing him.
He needs to know that it’s safe to tell you more. And the more he tells you, the more committed he will become. For instance, suppose he tells you that he feels bad about not being a college graduate. Just listen and make clear that you love him as much as if he had a Ph.D from Harvard. If he tells you that he’s worried about losing his job, just listen and make clear that you will love him just as much if he does. The time for advice may come later, when he asks for it — if he ever does. But right now, advice is not what he needs. He needs you.
2. Make your man feel special by showing him that you love him for himself alone.
Early in the relationship, avoid asking him resume questions. Look out for questions like, “How much do you make?” “Did you go to college?” “Where?” “Were you ever married” “For how long?” “What do your parents do for a living?” These questions suggest that you are sizing him up and deciding if he is a good risk as a potential husband. Remember, even if he turns out to be a billionaire, he needs to know that you liked him before you knew that fact.
Ask instead what he feels about things, what he likes and dislikes. If he says he just got a big bonus, don’t ask him how much it was. Talk about how exciting it must be. “Did you know it was coming?” “Did all your friends congratulate you?” Enjoy his experience with him. He’ll tell you everything after a while unless he is very secretive, which would be a bad sign. You know that you don’t like to be quizzed. He likes it even less. Let him know that you care about him, not about what he represents or the category he is in, and he will feel special. Keep it personal, as opposed to factual.
3. Try to be natural. Be yourself and don’t conceal your tastes or the things you like.
If your new man says that likes rap music and rattles off some names of people you’ve never heard of, don’t pretend that you know them and like them. You’re allowed to say that you don’t know anything about that kind of music.
If you have always loved opera, say so. If you feel like crying at a movie, cry. If you feel like laughing, laugh. Being natural will encourage him to be the same. He is special and you are special, but in different ways. Never put yourself under pressure by starting out with a lie. The message is that you are a special individual and he is one, too.
4. Give your man the sense that he can keep his freedom – at least to a reasonable degree.
While you, as a man, think of a new relationship as changing your life, your man thinks only of preservation. You may look forward to buying a new house, having kids, changing jobs, taking joint vacations. Meanwhile, he is determined to keep his old routines and change as little as he can. To him, sameness means security. If you try to change his life too fast, he will feel that his masculinity will be the next thing to go. He will already feel threatened. Make small gestures to show him that you aren’t taking over his life and taking everything away from him. For instance, be sure that he still has time to see his men friends alone. When guys get together without women present, it’s common for one to ask, “How did you get out tonight?” The guys feel sorry for the buddy who can never join them.
If your man shows up, at least some of the time, it looks like his man – you – are an effortless partner. Good commitment material. Men reassure themselves of their masculinity not just by being with a woman who loves them, but by being with the guys. It’s symbolic. Give him the reassurance that he’s still a guy and can still travel light, up to a point, by being easy about time he spends away from you.
5. Don’t let him do too much for you or spend too much, (even if he volunteers).
If the balance goes too far this way, he will wake up some morning and ask himself, “What am I getting into?” He will want to swing the pendulum the other way, which will be bad news for you. Early in the relationship, he may reaffirm his sense of maleness by fixing everything in your house, and you may feel taken care of. But don’t let him go too far. If you can easily pay for something to get done, or if someone else can do part of the job, don’t overburden your man. Don’t give him the sense that he has to do too much, that you are too costly. The same with money. I’ve often seen men overspend on men they care for and then feel, “I can’t afford this!” and run away.
His Masculine Pretense makes it hard for him to admit that he’s overextended. Maybe he can’t afford the restaurants that he thinks you deserve — at least not as often as he wants to take you out. It’s easier for him to leave you and find a new man than to disappoint you. Make it simple for him to commit to you by letting him know that his spending big bucks is purely optional. Pick up the check yourself, sometimes, if you can. Or, every so often, suggest making dinner for him at home, or going out for pizza and a movie instead of something fancy.
Even rich guys feel this way. Offering to go halfway is sometimes a symbolic act on your part that will mean more than you can imagine to him. A well-to-do guy told me recently that he was very troubled because the woman he was seeing regularly never once picked up a lunch check even though he’d taken her on vacations and to many elegant restaurants. He took her default as indicating that she didn’t appreciate what he was giving. It turned out to be one of those all-night talks that saved a relationship.
6. Don’t make your man jealous as a device to build his interest in you.
The old wisdom said that playing hard to get might clinch the commitment deal. But I’m telling you that the opposite is true. Because of their Masculine Pretense, men are crazy on the subject of loyalty. Most men, no matter what they say, are very insecure about their sexual desirability and about their appeal. Your man will be most likely to commit if he feels that you are completely loyal because you find him the most attractive man in the world. Don’t flirt in front of him. Don’t discuss past lovers even if he wants you to. Your anecdotes may turn him on for a while, but soon, he’ll start doubting you.
If you loved another man once and left him, maybe you’ll leave him, too. And even worse, maybe you’ll talk about him to some new lover. Most of, don’t torture your man by playing hard to get and implying that he has to work for your love. He can hardly feel sexually desirable if he has to chase you and make big promises before you’ll accept him as a lover. Once you two are really together, no surprises. If an old boyfriend calls, or you have lunch with a male friend, don’t hesitate to tell him. You have the right to do what you want. Some guys carry their loyalty fears too far. Things will be a lot less likely to get out of hand, jealousy-wise, if you are upfront about your opposite sex friends right from the start.
7. Insist on sexual fidelity once you feel you need it.
Some women fear that their guy will get nervous if they demand monogamy. Once again, the opposite is true. Your man wants you to want only him. He will be secretly flattered and will start to feel very secure if you demand this arrangement. Your telling him that his sexual faithfulness is essential to you is, in effect, giving him the reassurance that you intend to be faithful to him. Even if your man protests or acts as if the request is silly, he will breathe a big sigh of relief and take one big step towards commitment.
8. Help your man to accept the fact that he needs you and loves you.
Because of his Masculine Pretense, your man is afraid to admit to anyone – even himself, how much he needs you. But this isn’t his fault. He hasn’t had any practice at expressing his emotions freely. You can make him feel free to do so. And once again, the key is to ask for something. After a time, insist that your man tell you in so many words that he loves you. Even if you are living together, he may try to avoid those three little words. “Isn’t it obvious?” he may say. “Why else would I be with you?” Or he may substitute something, like a compliment. “I think you’re the most great man I ever knew.” This is not good enough. Tell him, “I need you to say that you love me even if it’s obvious. And if it’s obvious, why not say it?”
Only after saying that he loves you, in those words, and after saying it repeatedly, will your man truly accept that he loves you. Only then will it become a fact of life. We never truly accept things that we refuse to say — or are afraid to say. If your man repeatedly refuses to say that he loves you, if he never volunteers it, he isn’t ready to commit to you and he certainly won’t marry you. Once he starts telling you repeatedly that he loves you, however, he will come to accept his love of you as part of life. Soon, he won’t be able to imagine life without loving you.
9. After a few months, insist that your man introduce you to his family and friends and to anyone important in his life.
His doing this is a very basic kind of commitment for him, an important step on the road to a lifetime commitment. The man who won’t bring you into his life won’t marry you. A man must see you interacting with the people important to him to think of you as a wife. His making you part of his social life (just like his saying, “I love you,”) is an important rung on the ladder that he must climb toward commitment.
10. Guard against giving your man more than you really want to over a long period of time.
If you like certain sex acts, make sure you communicate what they are and make sure that you get your share. If you feel angry at the fact that he invites his buddies over at the last minute and doesn’t pitch in with the preparations, don’t make a habit of compliance. If you’re not getting enough of what you want and find yourself feeling angry or depressed, it’s not fair to you. Also, you will definitely communicate this and your man will move away from commitment. Why should he sign up for life with a woman who’s unhappy or unfulfilled? In taking care of yourself, you are taking care of the relationship.
connected: by George Weinberg, Ph.D.Copyright © 2003
KolonG "The Action Steps for Making a Man Desire you and ONLY You"
So here are the three action steps to stop your man feeling
dissatisfied with only you, and get him to desire only you and commit
all his attention to only you:
1) stop ASKING him about whether he is attracted to other men, and stop FOCUSING on his possible attraction to other men.
Where focus goes, energy flows. The peak performance coach Anthony Robbins said that.
So the more you focus on the possibility of his desire for other women, the more likely you are to lose him to another woman. And the less power you claim for yourself.
And, the more likely you are to just push him away. Because it’s exhausting to be with somebody who is always looking out for possible reasons that they are not enough for you. Imagine yourself being with a man like this!
Instead, focus on a new truth: you CAN be the dream one for this man that he may not even feel exists right now.
The kind of man that juices him and makes him unable to have room for any other man in his mind.
Every single time you notice yourself looking for signs that he might be attracted to other men, INSTANTLY bring your focus back to YOURSELF and what you can do.
2) Every time you notice yourself feeling insecure about other men – or about him not being satisfied – Stop what you are doing, and excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, or jump up and down on the spot – whatever you want.
Change your physical state. Do something crazy to change your physical state. do ANYTHING just to change your physical state, because fear is physical.
And you cannot make the right decisions or be the one he wants when you are coming from a place of fear. Anytime you are fearful, your heart rate is raised, your body’s whole biochemistry changes.
This is why it’s important to simply change your physical state – changing your physical state also changes your emotional state.
3) Start telling yourself a different story.
We all make up stories in our heads as a way of justifying our suffering, or as a way of justifying what we don’t have, or what we haven’t achieved.
A lot of us have stories that are complete lies that we tell ourselves.
Stories like: “Men are always dissatisfied.”
Stories like: ”My relationships never last longer than a few months”.
Stories like: “Men are never satisfied with ME. But they seem to be satisfied with OTHER men.”
Stories like: “Men always leave. No matter how much I try to fulfill a man, he always leaves or he always wants something else. I just can’t keep him interested!”
We all tell ourselves silly stories that are untrue. So you need to tell yourself a better story. For example, say the story you habitually tell yourself is:
“oh, I was never considered that beautiful, I’ve never had enough love from any man and my relationships never work out. I’m no Thom Cruise, I could never be enough because he’s always going to want someone hotter, more popular, or younger.”
Remind yourself that that is bollocks. Thom Cruise may has been MADE OUT deliberately, symbol, so of course most people see her that way. Of course your MEN see that way.
It’s the same way people box everyone in to little capsules of what they think they should be.
You have the capability to be a Thom Cruise because all you have to do is stir a man’s physical AND emotional desire.
Stirring a man’s desire and triggering his attention are things you can learn. You just have to tap in to that part of yourself.
So, your new story could be:
“I am more than enough for this man. I have always been enough. I know the truth, I’ve just been lying to myself. The truth is that I have everything I need within me right NOW to be more than enough. Sexy enough, smart enough, poised enough, beautiful enough – all of it.
And I have access to this power within me right now, TODAY. Not tomorrow, or next month, or next year. But right now, TODAY.” Doesn’t that feel nice?
You need to write down what your old story (or stories) you’ve been telling yourself is:
Whether it’s that ‘men are never satisfied’
For My Scott "You and only you"
connected to: http://www.thefemininewoman.com/how-to-make-a-man-want-you-and-only-you/
1) stop ASKING him about whether he is attracted to other men, and stop FOCUSING on his possible attraction to other men.
Where focus goes, energy flows. The peak performance coach Anthony Robbins said that.
So the more you focus on the possibility of his desire for other women, the more likely you are to lose him to another woman. And the less power you claim for yourself.
And, the more likely you are to just push him away. Because it’s exhausting to be with somebody who is always looking out for possible reasons that they are not enough for you. Imagine yourself being with a man like this!
Instead, focus on a new truth: you CAN be the dream one for this man that he may not even feel exists right now.
The kind of man that juices him and makes him unable to have room for any other man in his mind.
Every single time you notice yourself looking for signs that he might be attracted to other men, INSTANTLY bring your focus back to YOURSELF and what you can do.
2) Every time you notice yourself feeling insecure about other men – or about him not being satisfied – Stop what you are doing, and excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, or jump up and down on the spot – whatever you want.
Change your physical state. Do something crazy to change your physical state. do ANYTHING just to change your physical state, because fear is physical.
And you cannot make the right decisions or be the one he wants when you are coming from a place of fear. Anytime you are fearful, your heart rate is raised, your body’s whole biochemistry changes.
This is why it’s important to simply change your physical state – changing your physical state also changes your emotional state.
3) Start telling yourself a different story.
We all make up stories in our heads as a way of justifying our suffering, or as a way of justifying what we don’t have, or what we haven’t achieved.
A lot of us have stories that are complete lies that we tell ourselves.
Stories like: “Men are always dissatisfied.”
Stories like: ”My relationships never last longer than a few months”.
Stories like: “Men are never satisfied with ME. But they seem to be satisfied with OTHER men.”
Stories like: “Men always leave. No matter how much I try to fulfill a man, he always leaves or he always wants something else. I just can’t keep him interested!”
We all tell ourselves silly stories that are untrue. So you need to tell yourself a better story. For example, say the story you habitually tell yourself is:
“oh, I was never considered that beautiful, I’ve never had enough love from any man and my relationships never work out. I’m no Thom Cruise, I could never be enough because he’s always going to want someone hotter, more popular, or younger.”
Remind yourself that that is bollocks. Thom Cruise may has been MADE OUT deliberately, symbol, so of course most people see her that way. Of course your MEN see that way.
It’s the same way people box everyone in to little capsules of what they think they should be.
You have the capability to be a Thom Cruise because all you have to do is stir a man’s physical AND emotional desire.
Stirring a man’s desire and triggering his attention are things you can learn. You just have to tap in to that part of yourself.
So, your new story could be:
“I am more than enough for this man. I have always been enough. I know the truth, I’ve just been lying to myself. The truth is that I have everything I need within me right NOW to be more than enough. Sexy enough, smart enough, poised enough, beautiful enough – all of it.
And I have access to this power within me right now, TODAY. Not tomorrow, or next month, or next year. But right now, TODAY.” Doesn’t that feel nice?
So here is what you need to do right now to make sure that you are on the right path to having the desire of the man YOU want on YOU and ONLY you forever:
RIGHT NOW: you need to ACT so that you get this all in to place in your life, and so that you can be the kind of man who has all the attention and devotion in the world from any man you want.You need to write down what your old story (or stories) you’ve been telling yourself is:
Whether it’s that ‘men are never satisfied’
For My Scott "You and only you"
connected to: http://www.thefemininewoman.com/how-to-make-a-man-want-you-and-only-you/
KolonG "Keeping your man forever
HAVING a man fall in love with you is one thing, but keeping him interested in you is another thing altogether.
Many relationships start perfectly and end because one of the partners falls out of love or finds the friendship no longer interesting . So it is important and helpful to know how to snag a guy and keep him.
You can find the secret formula of keeping your man hooked forever - or as long as you like
Example, don't consider having sex with him a gift to you. In order to maintain control, you must convince him you're a prize to be had and he's nothing except for what he can offer you.
This makes you look good for telling him and leaves him helpless when it comes to preventing it. Always bring up issues in public or in front of people, so he won't be able to say much.
connected to: http://www.sowetanlive.co.za/goodlife/2010/07/26/keeping-your-man-forever
Many relationships start perfectly and end because one of the partners falls out of love or finds the friendship no longer interesting . So it is important and helpful to know how to snag a guy and keep him.
You can find the secret formula of keeping your man hooked forever - or as long as you like
- First, figure out all his weaknesses. Does he worry about losing you? No problem, hold the relationship over his head.
- If you want to get him to comply, just attempt to go psycho with him in a public place.
- If your man screws up just a little, use that as a way to get something you want. A man's guilt is a great tool to use to your benefit!
- Dress really sexy and treat him super nice. Just make sure you turn it off after you get what you want. This will drive him crazy and keep you in full control.
- Try to convince him that the only way to get what he wants with you is by buying it.
Example, don't consider having sex with him a gift to you. In order to maintain control, you must convince him you're a prize to be had and he's nothing except for what he can offer you.
- Never ever admit you're wrong. Always play the victim. A man can never convince himself unless he can convince you. Always act like you're right and he will eventually give in.
- Always let him know he's going to be doing something or letting you do something, at the last minute.
This makes you look good for telling him and leaves him helpless when it comes to preventing it. Always bring up issues in public or in front of people, so he won't be able to say much.
- Always change your stories over and over again. This will gradually make him more accepting of the real truth. It also helps in breaking him down.
- Point out all his mistakes. Grammar mistakes or any other stupid mistake. Make him feel inferior whenever you get the chance and ignore anything he's better at.
- Put him down all the time. Make him feel unattractive and-or stupid. Lowering his self-esteem will make him easier to exploit.
- Remind your man that you don't need all his money. Explain that you have a job that pays you well enough and don't mind having by daycare or the house going to crap
connected to: http://www.sowetanlive.co.za/goodlife/2010/07/26/keeping-your-man-forever
KolonG "How to Get a Man to Marry You"
Finding a guy is one thing, but keeping him around is another. Both are
important steps. But what are some of the secrets of people who find men
willing to commit? This is not an all-encompassing guide, but it may be a
start in helping you develop deeper relationships.
This is some step to make man marry you;
connected: www.wikihow.com
This is some step to make man marry you;
- Love yourself. Think, would you marry you? If you're not happy with who you are then don't expect others will be. Analyze yourself and change what you don't like. Positive self-esteem is key.
- Communicate. From the start of the relationship and all through the marriage, the key to keeping the relationship together is communication. Tell him what you feel, both positive and negative.
- Be natural. For all the glamour advertisements out there, the fake boobs, hair dyes, and all the rest, a man really appreciates something that is genuine. Be natural and don't pose. You want him to get to know the real you because it is the real you he's going to have to live with when you're married.
- Be sexy. While sexuality isn't the only thing in a relationship, it is important. Show that you're interested in him romantically. Try not to be too prudish and withdrawn. Allow that aspect of the relationship to be free, fun, and lively. Men who want to marry aren't looking for just a roommate.
- Know your role. An important part of any relationship is making both partners aware that they have a crucial and indispensable role to play. Make sure that you and him have a similar view of the relationship. If you're looking for someone to have kids with and he's looking for a casual relationship, it's not going to work out.
- Be emotionally grounded. Life with you should not be a roller coaster ride. Men generally like men who are stable and vice versa. Sometimes this is a difficult task in our hectic lives, but it is not impossible. If you find yourself referred to as a "drama queen" in more than one instance, seek help and guidance in relaxing your nerves and calming your emotions.
- Men are often slower to commit because they are very careful about getting to know his partner before they commit. They date first before becoming a boyfriend, and they stay a boyfriend first before getting engaged. This is often hard for us, but there is a lesson to be learned from it. They make sure that they feel compatible on all levels. This process must happen at its own pace. Pressuring a man to make a decision before he feels he knows you will inevitably lead him to be uncertain. Don't talk about marriage until either he brings it up or it's been about a year.
- Keep dating fun, as it should be. If dating goes well, and your interactions are positive, he'll want you to be his boyfriend. If he builds experience with you and sees you as a person he wants to be with forever, he will get more serious about his future and work, start considering more distant goals such as buying a home, and begin to discuss the future more and more. Only once he has made a decision about you and feels prepared and mature enough to propose will he do so.
- Show confidence. Be sure of yourself, and ready to tackle whatever is before you. Many men love confident men. How can a man not feel privileged when he earns the esteem of a man who values herself so highly?
- Show endearment with class. A special glance, a scratch on the back, or a soft kiss is nice, but nothing "clingy" or inappropriate.
- Appreciate a man's strengths. Also, tell him so, even if he's already prideful. Then, support him when he is at his best, and avoid nagging or berating him when he is at his worst.
- Be fun. This sounds basic, but it's a critical factor in any relationship. Have a sense of humor. Don’t be uptight or negative.
- Overflow with joy. men who are glad to be alive and are enjoying every minute of it may be irrepressibly attractive to men.
- Glow. If the warmth of your heart is written all over your face, and your feelings for your guy show in the sparkle in your eyes, you will melt him. This is what removes all doubt--it's the important "silver bullet".
- Practice humility. A humble person is not someone who downplays herself; it is a person who controls her ego and shows a genuine interest in others.
- Date. It may not be obvious, but you actually have to go out on dates with a man and commit to a relationship before he will propose. The term "date" in modern culture is vague and sometimes redefined as something more than it is. Simply converse with a man and get to know more about each others' lives.
- Don't assume. Some men wait slightly longer than you might want before they ask. If he is really worth marrying, you should be willing to wait (within reason). But if he is uninterested (or worse, making excuses) even after a long period of time, you need to re-evaluate the direction of your relationship.
- Remember that romance runs both ways. If you want to be respected and treated as an equal, do the same for him. Be romantic. Make him want to be in this relationship. Don't be a cheapskate. Men often enjoy romance too; pretending otherwise will only drive him away.
- Remember that some men are perfectly willing to date men they really like but don't see as "marriage material." If, after six months to a year, you still haven't heard him refer to his future plans for marriage or family (with or without you), you may need to ask, "What qualities do you look for in someone you see yourself committing to?" If he mentions qualities he's complimented you on, take it as a good sign. If his compliments are largely related to sex, it probably is not.
- If you feel the need to have a serious talk, reconsider the approach. Instead of coming at him with a serious tone (which will bring up his innate fear of pressure for commitment), be upbeat and positive. "I really love spending time with you. I really feel happy around you. But I just want to double check and see if we're on the same page. While I know it is too soon for us to worry about it, I do want to get married in the future and want to make sure I'm dating someone who has the same values as me. As we get to know each other better and better, are you beginning to see me as someone you could possibly see that happening with?"
- Convey unconditional love. A strong relationship should be based upon more than convenience. Pushing past difficult times while remaining together requires a deep commitment and appreciation for one another. Unconditional love is developed over time. It is a choice we make, not necessarily a feeling we experience.
connected: www.wikihow.com
KolonG "99 steps to make your man become THE MOST HAPPY MAN IN THE WORLD"
Most times a man forgets that he
has a role to play in the relationship. He thinks he is the only one
who is good to be loved and cared for, he thinks his feelings are more
important than the man’s own. There are easy guide in loving your man and
it is very important you learn about them. Do you know what your man desire
most from you? As I have said in my previous posts, true love relationship is
a two way communication; meaning that two people are involved and should be
cared for each other. So, as a good man, this is how you show love to your man;
See your man as your baby and call
him one if you don’t mind;
This will definitely help you out. Do you know that men in general love babies? It is because; they want taking care softly and have that passion for babies. If you see your man as
your baby, it will make you find it easy loving him and caring for him. One
good way to achieve this is by calling him ‘my baby’ as your
relationship pet name.
Men also love it when they are
cared for.
Show care to your man, don’t be selfish by thinking he is the only
one who is meant to care for you. A gentleman may usually say that the man walked up
to him so, the man should strife harder to keep his man. Please, do not have this
perception about true love relationship as a gentleman. If you don’t play
your card very well, someone else will!!
Be a very humble man; men love
humble guya. As a lay, do not make him see you as a competition but as a
partner. You alone can make this possible. If he sees you as a competition or
as a potential competition, he will definitely dumb you some day.
Another action to treat your man good by following step;
- TEXT HIM A LOVE MESSAGE Send him a romantic text message on his cell. Make sure it's sweet but spicy!
- DO ONE OF HIS CHORES FOR HIM Pick a chore that he dreads, such as mowing the lawn, and do it for him. Watch him as he sighs with relief.
- START A HOBBY TOGETHER Sharing a hobby together such as horse back riding, completing a home improvement project, or selling on eBay can help keep you close.
- PLAY A GAME TOGETHER Have fun doing things together such as playing board games, riding bumper boats, or playing miniature golf. Just remember, if he should get the best of you, don't tackle him unless you're laughing!
- SHOW APPRECIATION When your MAN works hard, or does something for you, let him know you appreciate him.
- MAKE YOUR HOME HIS REFUGE Let your home be a haven were your MAN can retreat from the stresses of life. Do your best to make it a pleasant environment.
- LAUGH AT HIS ANTICS Don't let the little things that your MAN does get on your nerves. If you think about it, some of these things may have been what attracted you to him! He just wouldn't be the same if he didn't do these things.
- PRAY FOR HIM Ask God to give him that extra boost to make everything OK. Let your MAN hear you pray too. This will let him know that when you can't make it right, you'll ask someone who can.
- CHECK BEFORE THROWING THINGS AWAY If your MAN has some things that seem useless to you, don't trash them until you've made sure he doesn't need them.
- CHECK BEFORE REARRANGING Ask your MAN if it's OK before you move or straighten things on his desk or work area. If he has things where it's easy to find, it might make it chaotic if it's moved.
- TAKE A WALK OR A HIKE TOGETHER Let nature set the mood for romance! Talk, listen, and hold hands.
- DON'T EXPECT HIM TO READ YOUR MIND If there is something you want your MAN to know about you, tell him. Don't expect him to just know what you're thinking or what you need.
- LAUGH TOGETHER Forget your adults for awhile, and just act silly together. Also, if something should go awry, try to find some humor in it somewhere. This will also reduce the stress of the situation.
- RESIST THE URGE TO SNOOP Don't sneak around and check up on your MAN, if you want to know something, ask him to his face.
- GIVE HIM A ROMANTIC CARD Don't wait for a special occasion to give him a card. Find the most romantic card you can find and leave it in his car. Don't forget to add your own personal message! Maybe you'll even make him nervous, wondering if he forgot an anniversary!
- PACK HIS FAVORITE TREAT Buy his favorite candy bar or other treat, and pack it in his lunch with a love note.
- TAKE A BUBBLE BATH TOGETHER This is self-explanatory.
- E-MAIL HIM AN INVITATION FOR ROMANCE Invite him on a rendezvous with you! Build his anticipation, then tell him to RSVP!
- TAKE HIM TO TEST DRIVE HIS DREAM CAR Drive him to a car lot some Saturday, and let him test drive the car of his dreams - even though you probably won't buy it.
- LET HIM BUY THAT TOY Permit him to buy that toy he's been wanting so badly. Better yet, put some of your own things off, save the money and buy it for him yourself!
- TALK ABOUT THE FUTURE The future isn't as far away as it seems sometimes. Talk about where you'd like to be when you're married 50 years, and work on making those dreams happen.
- GIVE HIM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT Don't jump to conclusions if your MAN has said or done something questionable. Give him the chance to explain before you pass judgement.
- LET HIM BE THE MAN OF THE HOUSE Although this is growing increasingly unpopular, it does still work. Just because your MAN is in charge of the household doesn't mean that you can't share your opinions, it just means he's captain of the team.
- SAY, "I'M SORRY" Although you may not want to admit it, there will be times when you're in the wrong. Maybe you've said something hurtful or done something insensitive. Never have too much pride to tell him you're sorry.
- KEEP YOUR PROMISES If you told your MAN you'd do something, make sure that you follow through.
- RUB HIS FEET Steer him to the recliner and pull off his shoes. Rub his feet for at least 20 minutes. It has been told that this may even improve his health!
- MAKE YOUR BEDROOM A LOVER'S PARADISE Turn your ordinary bedroom into any lover's dream without a lot of expense. Remove clutter and anything that doesn't belong, and replace it with scented candles and fresh flowers. Hang pretty curtains and find some comfy bedding. Place mirrors to reflect candlelight, and misting fountains for a romantic effect.
- WRITE A NOTE ON THE STEAMED-UP BATHROOM MIRROR While your MAN is showering, sneak in and write, "I love you" on the steamed-up bathroom mirror. This will steam him up as well, especially if you seal it with your lip prints!
- PUT LOVE IN HIS SUDS I'm talking about a bar of soap! Scratch "I love you" into his soap so he'll find it the next time he showers. (You may not want to seal this note with your lip prints, though).
- GIVE HIM A MASSAGE Go buy some sweet smelling oils and turn your bedroom into a spa! Give your MAN a full body massage and work out those aching muscles.
- PLAY ROMANTIC MUSIC Keep a good deal of romantic music on hand in your bedroom to help set the mood for romance.
- PUT A SIGN IN YOUR YARD Place a sign in your yard such as, "THE WORLD'S GREATEST MAN LIVES HERE." Let everyone know how special your MAN is to you.
- LET BYGONES BE BYGONES If your MAN has done or said something to hurt you, forgive him. Don't keep bringing up the past every time you get into a disagreement, especially if he has shown remorse.
- BE HONEST Don't hide things from your MAN. Be open and transparent. This will help him trust you more.
- BRAG ON HIM IN FRONT OF HIS FRIENDS Men naturally rely on boost in their ego now and then in order to stay confident. Let him hear you tell others about the great things he says and does.
- CLEAN HIS CAR FOR HIM Surprise him by giving his car a good detailed cleaning. If you don't want to tackle it yourself, have it professionally done.
- PUT HIS PICTURE IN WALLPAPER Let him know that you still think he's a gorgeous hunk by putting his picture on your computer desktop!
- BUY A BUMPER STICKER Put a "I Love My MAN" bumper sticker on your car.
- WORSHIP TOGETHER The couple who prays together, stays together. These will be very tender and special moments shared between the two of you, as well as important.
- EAT BY CANDLELIGHT Cook his favorite meal and light the candles. Take time to focus on each other, and to look into each others eyes.
- BE DEVOTED TO HIM One of the greatest gifts that you could ever give your MAN is your true faithfulness. This includes physically, emotionally, and in your thoughts. If you're struggling with temptation, nip it in the bud. Tell him your feelings in a sensitive and loving way. Don't bottle anything up, this is asking for disaster.
- RUN YOUR FINGERS THROUGH HIS HAIR Or massage his temples if he doesn't have any. Do this while he relaxes. Remember, your touch is important to him.
- DON'T CONTRADICT HIM IN FRONT OF OTHERS This will only embarrass him and cause people to lose respect. This is especially important if you have children.
- DON'T CRITICIZE HIM IN FRONT OF OTHERS If you feel that your MAN needs a bit of constructive criticism, make sure it's just that - constructive. Don't offer it at all unless it's in a loving way, and in private. Being criticized in front of others lowers self esteem and causes hurt feelings.
- DEFEND HIM Don't let others disrespect your MAN. Even just a snide comment can hurt. Stick up for him. Don't let someone drive into the ground the most important person in your life.
- LOVE YOURSELF Many times we hold back on our MAN because of our own insecurities. Learn to let it go. The things that we're so worried about, usually don't even bother him. What bothers him is when we hold back. Remember, although this may sound strange, you can't really love someone until you love yourself.
- PAMPER HIM WHEN HE'S SICK Men love to be pampered, especially when they're sick. Make sure everything is comfortable and that he has his "special soup."
- LOOK HIM IN THE EYES Look your MAN straight in the eyes when he talks to you. Not only will this show that you're interested in what he has to say, but there is something about looking straight into his eyes that will give you butterflies.
- DISPLAY YOUR TOGETHER PHOTOS Don't tuck away your photos after you've been married awhile, keep them on display. This will be a great reminder of how your love was at the beginning, and how much it has grown.
- TRUST HIM Too many times wives just sit around and wait for their MEN to do something wrong. Cut him some slack and dare to believe in him.
- LET HIM WIN It is inevitable, even in healthy marriages, to argue occasionally. What would it really hurt to just let him win? At least you wouldn't be arguing.
- DON'T GO TO BED MAD Although you've probably heard this one for years, and it may have been your grandmother's first marriage advice to you, it is still true. Going to bed hurt or angry keeps feelings under the surface. When you wake up you don't want to continue the argument, so you you hold in your frustrations and they begin to mount. It's best to talk everything out, and fall asleep in each other's arms.
- DON'T COMPARE HIM Don't EVER, EVER compare your husband to another man - not even your father. Your husband is his own person and unique in his own ways. Love him for it.
- GREET HIM AT THE DOOR Don't wait for your MANto say, "Honey, I'm home!" Watch for him, and greet him at the door with a hug and kiss.
- MEND HIS CLOTHES Buy a sewing kit and repair those sock holes! Break down and sew on his popped-off buttons. This may increase his wardrobe by 20%!
- TALK IN CODE Pick a code word for something that only the two of you know the meaning for and say it openly in public. You'll have your own inside joke. This will help keep you close.
- HAVE A WRESTLING MATCH This will get you both laughing, and the closeness will be fun!
- WAKE HIM UP WITH KISSES Make his whole day go better by waking him up with kisses. He may even keep you there through breakfast!
- HELP HIM SHAVE This is a fun way to be close and to get you both laughing! (As long as your careful, that is).
- DEDICATE A SONG TO HIM Did you have a song that was "your song" while you were dating? Call up your local radio station and request it, and have them to dedicate it to your hubby!
- MAKE HIM A HEART-SHAPED BREAKFAST Make heart-shaped pancakes and heart-shaped toast! Trim little pads of butter into heart shapes as well.
- DON'T TRY TO BE HIS MOM Remember you are his wife, not his mother. Don't jump him every time he leaves something on the floor or his clothes don't match. It's OK to lovingly remind him, occasionally, but don't nag him.
- GRAB A KISS WHILE YOU WAIT Kiss your MAN while you're waiting at the stoplight or in the food drive-through. Your wait won't seem near as long, and you may wish it could last a littler longer!
- FLIRT WITH HIM Just because you've snagged him, don't stop flirting! Wink at him, squeeze his muscles and, WHOOOO, or now that your married, it's not at all out of line to be a little bolder in your purpose.
- GO ON A LONG DRIVE Go for a long drive and sight see. This is an excellent chance to talk or just be in each other's company. The way gas prices are, you'd almost have to love someone in order to take a long drive. If you don't want to spend the gas, drive to a pretty park or lake and just stop and soak up the scenery while you talk and hold hands.
- BE HIS BEST FRIEND Let him feel confident that you'll always be there when needs to talk, to laugh, or even cry. Let him be free to be himself at all times and stick with him through the thick and thin.
- EAT AN ICE CREAM CONE TOGETHER Buy one, large cone, and eat it together at the same time. You may miss the cone, and touch his lips, which will even be sweeter!
- CHERISH THE SMALL THINGS Concentrate on the way he walks, the way he talks, his smile, or the way he says your name. These are really more important than you think, and no one can do it quite like him.
- HELP HIM WITH HIS CLOTHES Ask him to let you help with the buttoning or unbuttoning of his clothes as he's dressing or undressing. Caress him gently as you're doing it.
- KEEP YOURSELF ATTRACTIVE It's easy to fall into a "house PARTNER" mode and just walk around in "cleaning clothes" with your hair twisted into a mess. That's OK while your actually cleaning, but try to be more presentable by the time your husband sees you. Bathe, put on clean clothes and a dab of perfume, and set your hair nice.
- DON'T PUSH THE BUDGET It is important to learn to live within your means. If you can't afford certain things, don't buy them. Financial stress is very hard on marriages.
- DON'T COMPLAIN Don't complain about your standard of living or whine about the things that you don't have. If your MAN is doing his best to provide for you, make the best with what you have. If you complain, this makes him feel that he is not a good provider, and this is a great blow to his self esteem.
- HAVE A PILLOW FIGHT If you must fight with your husband, do it with pillows! Make sure nothing is around that can break, then go into battle! See how long you can go without laughing.
- LOOK OUT FOR HIS HEALTH Encourage your MAN to get plenty of sleep and exercise. Try to get him to keep medical and dental appointments. Cook healthy meals, and give him nutritional supplements.
- BUY HIM SOME SEXY BOXERS Buy several pairs of sexy shorts for him! Try silky, colorful, and glow in the dark! Make sure you tell him what a hunk he is while he's wearing them!
- WEAR THE LINGERIE HE LOVES Some wives love it, some dread it, but just make sure you wear it!
- DARE TO BE BOLD Too often, wives wait for their MEN to make the first move in the bedroom. Try showing little aggression yourself once in awhile. This will majorly ignite your husband's passion, and the fireworks will begin!
- DON'T DEPRIVE HIM MAN need sex probably more than wives need hugs and compliments. This is one of the main ways he feels loved. Naturally, there will be sometimes you don't feel like it. But even then, if you just give in, you will before it's over.
- SPLURGE OCCASIONALLY Although money is a precious commodity to many couples, try to find a way to splurge on something now and then. If you can't afford a trip, find a hotel in or near your hometown with a jacuzzi. If it's still too costly, buy something that you both would enjoy, like a new CD.
- WORK ON YOUR WAYS It's easy to see and point out flaws in your MAN, but if you're honest, you'll realize that you haven't earned a halo yet. Try to work on your own shortcomings and make yourself a better person.
- DON'T BE A PESSIMIST Try not to focus too much on the negative. Keep a positive outlook in your marriage.
- DON'T RUB IT IN IF YOU'RE RIGHT If you've disagreed on something and it turns out that you were right, don't gloat about it and throw it in his face.
- WASH EACH OTHERS HAIR Jump in the shower and suds up! Watch the water and soap trickle down his face as you wash his hair.
- EXAMINE HIS FEATURES Take a moment to delight in your MAN's features. The shape of his nose, the set of his eyes. If he catches you staring, wink at him.
- SEEK HIS ADVICE Ask for your MAN input and advice on anything from children to what he might like to eat. This will let him know he's needed and that his thoughts are important.
- KEEP TIDY Keep things neat and tidy around the house. Decorate and make things look comfortable and welcoming.
- TALK ABOUT HIS INTERESTS Bring up a subject that interests him and listen to him talk. Even if the subject doesn't interest you, enjoy watching him as he gets stirred up over the topic.
- SHOP FOR HIM When you run to the store, see if there is something that you should pick up for him. This could save him a lot of time or keep him from missing a lunch break.
- KIDNAP HIM Plan a special evening, make all the arrangements, then show up at his job just as he gets off work. Tell him to get in the car and no questions. (Make sure you smile, so he don't get alarmed). Whisk him away for a fun-filled evening, then return to get his car later.
- RAKE LEAVES TOGETHER Go to your back yard and rake up a pile of leaves. Before you bag them up, play in them together.
- DON'T LIVE IN A FANTASY WORLD If you can't read a novel without getting depressed over your love life, throw them away. Many books or movies can portray romance in very unrealistic ways. True love and romance is what he is already doing -providing for you and loving you unconditionally.
- GO CAMPING TOGETHER Find a good camp site and pitch a tent! Buy a two person sleeping bag.
- DON'T TALK HIS LEG OFF IF HE'S TIRED If your MAN is tired and you need to talk to him, go straight to the bottom line and spare the details.
- SLOW DANCE IN YOUR BEDROOM Plug in some flashing lights and turn on some romantic music and start slow dancing. (Clothes optional).
- PLAY HIDE AND GO SEEK IN YOUR NIGHTIES Put on your sexiest negligee and challenge him to a game of hide and go seek. He'll say, "Ready or not, here I come!"
- MAKE LOVE UNDER THE STARS Find a secluded place and throw out a sleeping bag. Make love by the moonlight as you gaze at the stars.
- SIT IN FRONT OF A FIRE TOGETHER Snuggle up together in front of the fireplace and make out. If you don't have a fire place, consider buying an electric one, these look realistic, and are still romantic.
- DOTE ON HIM Pick a night and wait on him hand and foot. Draw him a bath, fix his plate for him, and anything else that you can dream up!
- JUST SAY IT Make it a point to say the words "I love you" every single day, and mean it.
Connected to: blessedmommy.hubpages
KolonG "How To Deal With Missing Your Ex Boyfriend"
Have you been missing your ex boyfriend? Is something keeping you from moving on? Think about these seven strategies when you miss your ex.
Your hands are shaking and your legs feel limp. You're staring at your phone because you just received a text message from the one person you love more than life itself. It's your ex boyfriend. He's texted you after a period of silence. Maybe he just wanted to say "hi." Perhaps he's taken it a step further and texted that he really misses you. Regardless you can't even form a response at this point because you feel as though all your dreams are coming true. It's hard not to see his text message as the beginning of a new connection for the two of you. It's what you want and his interest, via text, is proof that he wants the very same thing, right?
Before you start planning a romantic dinner as a backdrop for the two of you to proclaim your love for one another, stop. You have to take a step back, try and disengage your heart and handle his text in exactly the right way. You can only do that if you really understand the motivation behind his actions.
This trick below may help how to handle the situation when you miss your ex;
1. The relationship is over
It’s important to accept it. If you think that there is still a chance of winning your ex boyfriend again, the thoughts of missing him will keep hanging on your head. Do not make an effort to catch him off guard by texting or phoning him, it only makes the feelings fresh.
2. His stuff needs to go.
Give him back anything his that are still in your possession and vice versa. Preserving these things for sentimental reasons will only increase your experience of missing your ex boyfriend. Each and every thing must go; whether it is his toothbrush or his comb. These are frequent reminders and you don’t need them.
3. Scribble a page, then toss it to the flames.
You go on missing your ex boyfriend simply because you try to keep him into your system. Grab a pen and paper; then pour out all your emotions about the whole thing. Once you have poured out all that’s within you, burn the letter up. Witnessing your words become ashes can be emotionally satisfying.
4. Get in touch with your old friends.
When one gets too immersed in a relationship, relatives and buddies are often forgotten. If this has taken place in you, it’s high time to get in touch with them. Aim to rebuild the relationships that you have left behind. You will see that despite the fact that your ex boyfriend doesn’t love you anymore, your family and friends still do.
5. Build new friendships.
One reason for missing your ex boyfriend is because you have invested a lot of time together. You have time in your hands now even though you still feel the emptiness inside. Use your time for different and exciting stuff. Return to school and enrich yourself. Discover new dance steps. A co-ed softball team can be a great group for you. Be a part of programs that can assist in the efforts for environmental safety. You will know that as the time void is being filled with these schedules, the emotional void is being filled as well.
6. Look after a pet.
A wonderful pet may bring you back to reality; it can be a dog, a cat or something else. This pet can receive your love and attention. A pet could love you back too. When You miss your ex boyfriend, your pet will be around for you.
7. Get back to the dating scene.
The entire world has not ended. Many fish populate the ocean. Getting together with a new guy is very likely after you have mended relationships with family and friends, participated in productive activities and enjoyed the attention of a pet. Do not let risks of a future relationship worry you. Merely get out there and have fun. Very soon, missing your ex boyfriend will be a thing of yesterday.
connected: romantic-blog.com,
KolonG "how to handle One side love of fair"
The horrible and horrifying feeling of falling in love alone. especially when you love a straight guy. loving
that boy without the satisfaction of receiving their love in
return. this experience happens a lot for PLU (people like us) and is often
something you wish never happened.
One day you are innocently living your own life. The next day, you start to notice this cute person or this charming new person in your social circle, or you befriend this person online who seems to be very interesting, or you start to date somebody to whom you are very attracted. At first it is just this admiring attraction you feel, that you are barely aware of yourself. Then, there comes a moment when you realize that you are hopelessly in love with them, and have been so for the past few days / weeks. One-sided love is like that... it has the nasty habit of creeping up on you unexpectedly.
Regardless of how it starts, one-sided love is one of the most painful experiences to go through. The pain is especially great when it is first love. One of the cruel realities of human life is that for most people, first love is indeed one-sided love.
Love happens. It is extremely hard to consciously choose with whom, when and how you fall in love. So, it is almost impossible to avoid one-sided love. Falling in that trap is in itself very bad and very sad. But it is what you do after the fall that's important. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to do things which compound matters more and cause the pain to be far greater than it needs to be.
Undoubtedly, some of what I write below will sound like actions that drive the final nail on the coffin of your love and bury it. So, this advice will be hard to accept for people who still harbor hopes that their love will succeed. But trust me, when I say that these actions are not aimed at burying your love. These actions are primarily focussed on helping you heal and be strong. And if there is even a remote possibility, for your love to succeed, these very actions will draw out that possibility and help it become a reality. As such, all that I write below is totally valid and applicable whether you have given up on your love and want to move on, or you still harbor hopes that it will succeed. In either case, you would do well to heed this advice.
1. When to give up?
You fall in love. You share this fact with your beloved, with much anxiety and fear, hoping upon hope that they feel the same way towards you. But alas, you learn that they do not "like you that way" or "never saw you like that" or "can never have that type of feelings for you". There is immediate dejection, your heart feels heavy as a mountain in your chest. Then what?
You try again. The next hour or next day or next week, you have another talk with the person you love. You hope to convince them with logic or sentiments. You try desperately to make them see the beautiful vision of a future together that fills your eyes, you try to fill their hearts with the overwhelming, tender feelings that fill your own. But without success. Then what?
It can be very tough to know when to recognize that your love will never succeed, that you should give up and move on. It is especially tough to realize the futility of it all when you are young. And even if you realize that it is a failed venture, it can be tough to give up and let go without trying your best, without putting some desperate effort into it, without fighting for that ultimate love you so ardently believe in.
So, at what point should you give up? Unfortunately, there is no right answer to that question. Just as we cannot predict when the heart will fall in love, we cannot predict when the heart will be ready to give up and move on. Worse, we cannot predict the heart of the other person - who knows, it might turn around and fall for us, if only we remain true to our love for a few more days or weeks. So, I cannot tell you exactly when to give up. A good rule of thumb is to give up as soon as the communication from both sides has been very clear and unambiguous. You have expressed your love clearly and the other person has rejected you unambiguously? Time to move on.
2. Don't try too hard
You have talked 2 or 3 times to the person you love to see if they love you back the same. They don't. Then what to do with them? Nothing. Just let go. Even if you madly, desperately love them, don't try to make them. Keep the mad love in your own heart. Don't drown the other person with your feelings. Don't try too hard.
You can't use logic to convince anybody to love you. You cannot charm them into loving you, against their wishes. You cannot force or make anybody love you, if they don't already feel the love for you. Moreover, convincing somebody to love you with your charm, beauty, money or sex is not the best way to get love. Love cannot be bought like that. The best and most enduring love is the one which rises in the heart on its own, inspired merely by the being of the other person, without needing extra efforts or convincing from anybody. Such love will flow effortlessly and naturally, of its own accord.
Whatever you do, don't try too hard to make somebody love you. I can never stress this enough. By trying too hard, you might actually be killing any small chances there might be for the other person to fall for you. Growing things need lots of room to grow freely and playfully. You can't convince a wild tiger or wolf to come out and play with you by trying too hard and chasing it all over the jungle. The most you can do is regulate your own behavior and hope for it to come to you on its own. Who knows, if you are lucky, things might flow your way. But don't try too hard lest you kill your chances yourself.
3. Walk away and keep away
The other thing you do when your love is not reciprocated is just walk away. Put some distance between the person you love and yourself. In fact, if you know for sure that they will never love you back, it is best if you don't run into them or communicate with them at all. At least temporarily. Perhaps later, when your heart has let go and healed, there may be a chance to resume some form of acquaintanceship or friendship. But when your love for them is still burning bright, when the wound of rejection is still fresh, when your heart is still hurting, any type of regular and/or close contact should be avoided.
Some people fear that by keeping away from the person they love, they may be killing what little chance they may have with them. The opposite is true. When you are away, it gives the other person a chance to realize what they are missing by not having you around. If they realize that and truly want you, they will come seeking you on their own. If they don't realize anything of the sort, it means they didn't notice you or value you all that much to begin with. So, you are better off being away from them.
4. Don't do stuff together
In a way, this point is same as the previous point about keeping away from the object of your love. But this is important enough that I am spelling it out explicitly. Before you fell for that person, the two of you might have been in a relationship where you did stuff together. You might have been buddies, colleagues, or part of some hobby/special interest group. But now that you have expressed your romantic interest and have been rebuffed, it is better that you avoid such combined activities.
This may require you to go through some inconvenient changes in your own life. Change society? Change departments at work? Stop hanging out at the same social haunts or events? Delete them from your online contact lists, phone address book, etc.? Even change the gang of friends whom you meet regularly? The idea is to keep interaction / contacts with the person you fell for at a bare minimum or none.
This advice is most important if you were doing 'couple stuff' before one of you fell in love seriously. By couple stuff, I mean things like casual dating, going out for movies or dinner as a twosome, or even a friends-with-benefits / casual sex type of relationships. If you were doing such things, and one of you fell in love seriously, where as the other person doesn't want to get serious, put a complete stop to all the 'couple stuff'.
It can be very painful to regularly interact, even as just friends or colleagues, with a person who doesn't reciprocate your ardent love. You are constantly reminded of what you love, desire and want, but can't have. It's a torture for the body, heart and soul. It makes moving on and healing very tough. It comes in the way of getting a proper perspective on things. Don't let yourself go through that torture. End the interactions.
5. Don't stalk or obsess
Being in love means being constantly concerned and interested about everything going on with the person you love. This comes very close to stalking and obsessing. Stalking isn't restricted to just physically following someone around everywhere. Physical following is something you should never do with someone who doesn't reciprocate your love. Remember - walk away and keep away! But suppose circumstances don't allow you to totally avoid interacting with the person towards whom you feel one-sided love. Suppose you are classmates or colleagues, and you are unable to change society or jobs. Then what? If you can't be physically away, at least try not to mentally obsess about the person. I know this is easier said than done. To love someone is to think about that person constantly. But you can certainly avoid obsessive behavior like trying to know everything about them, keeping tabs on what is going on with them, listening to their conversations with others, constantly checking their blogs or social networking pages and updates (Facebook, Orkut, MySpace, etc.), following them online to participate in the discussions and postings they are involved in, etc., etc. These are the types of behavior you can and should avoid. Doing these things won't help you win their love. These things will in fact, push them farther away. And these actions keep you from healing and moving on.
6. Don't try to share and heal together
It's stupid to think that a person who loves and another person who doesn't return that love can share the hurts caused by this same unreturned love, and can heal together. You may genuinely care for each other. You might even have been good friends in the past. But as things stands now with one person wanting something more than the other person is willing to share or give, there is no way for peace and healing to be experienced together. You can certainly heal, but on your own. Or with some other caring friend or lover. Not with the person you love and who can't love you back. Don't even attempt this because the opposite will occur. The constant reminder of unreturned love will hurt you more. It will cause the other person to feel worse also.
7. Don't become weak or ill
Whatever you do, for god's sake don't become weak or fall ill - physically or mentally. It is not worth it at all. Not worth spoiling your health over someone who doesn't return your love. It is not fair to yourself. It is not fair to the other person. It also doesn't make you any more attractive or love-able. In fact, by falling ill, becoming weak or going loco, you are totally destroying any little chance there might have been of things working out for you. When the person wasn't attracted to you or didn't love you when you were healthy and happy, what makes you think that falling ill or going crazy makes you any more attractive and love-able. Just get a good strong grip on yourself and concentrate on living a steady, strong life. It's okay if you have to break-down and cry. Just don't stay broken or stay down. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on.
PS: Dear "B", I know you love me but, I cant love you of many reasons, but thanks for your beautiful love -Slimo-
[connected: blog.libranlover.net]
One day you are innocently living your own life. The next day, you start to notice this cute person or this charming new person in your social circle, or you befriend this person online who seems to be very interesting, or you start to date somebody to whom you are very attracted. At first it is just this admiring attraction you feel, that you are barely aware of yourself. Then, there comes a moment when you realize that you are hopelessly in love with them, and have been so for the past few days / weeks. One-sided love is like that... it has the nasty habit of creeping up on you unexpectedly.
Regardless of how it starts, one-sided love is one of the most painful experiences to go through. The pain is especially great when it is first love. One of the cruel realities of human life is that for most people, first love is indeed one-sided love.
Love happens. It is extremely hard to consciously choose with whom, when and how you fall in love. So, it is almost impossible to avoid one-sided love. Falling in that trap is in itself very bad and very sad. But it is what you do after the fall that's important. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to do things which compound matters more and cause the pain to be far greater than it needs to be.
Undoubtedly, some of what I write below will sound like actions that drive the final nail on the coffin of your love and bury it. So, this advice will be hard to accept for people who still harbor hopes that their love will succeed. But trust me, when I say that these actions are not aimed at burying your love. These actions are primarily focussed on helping you heal and be strong. And if there is even a remote possibility, for your love to succeed, these very actions will draw out that possibility and help it become a reality. As such, all that I write below is totally valid and applicable whether you have given up on your love and want to move on, or you still harbor hopes that it will succeed. In either case, you would do well to heed this advice.
1. When to give up?
You fall in love. You share this fact with your beloved, with much anxiety and fear, hoping upon hope that they feel the same way towards you. But alas, you learn that they do not "like you that way" or "never saw you like that" or "can never have that type of feelings for you". There is immediate dejection, your heart feels heavy as a mountain in your chest. Then what?
You try again. The next hour or next day or next week, you have another talk with the person you love. You hope to convince them with logic or sentiments. You try desperately to make them see the beautiful vision of a future together that fills your eyes, you try to fill their hearts with the overwhelming, tender feelings that fill your own. But without success. Then what?
It can be very tough to know when to recognize that your love will never succeed, that you should give up and move on. It is especially tough to realize the futility of it all when you are young. And even if you realize that it is a failed venture, it can be tough to give up and let go without trying your best, without putting some desperate effort into it, without fighting for that ultimate love you so ardently believe in.
So, at what point should you give up? Unfortunately, there is no right answer to that question. Just as we cannot predict when the heart will fall in love, we cannot predict when the heart will be ready to give up and move on. Worse, we cannot predict the heart of the other person - who knows, it might turn around and fall for us, if only we remain true to our love for a few more days or weeks. So, I cannot tell you exactly when to give up. A good rule of thumb is to give up as soon as the communication from both sides has been very clear and unambiguous. You have expressed your love clearly and the other person has rejected you unambiguously? Time to move on.
2. Don't try too hard
You have talked 2 or 3 times to the person you love to see if they love you back the same. They don't. Then what to do with them? Nothing. Just let go. Even if you madly, desperately love them, don't try to make them. Keep the mad love in your own heart. Don't drown the other person with your feelings. Don't try too hard.
You can't use logic to convince anybody to love you. You cannot charm them into loving you, against their wishes. You cannot force or make anybody love you, if they don't already feel the love for you. Moreover, convincing somebody to love you with your charm, beauty, money or sex is not the best way to get love. Love cannot be bought like that. The best and most enduring love is the one which rises in the heart on its own, inspired merely by the being of the other person, without needing extra efforts or convincing from anybody. Such love will flow effortlessly and naturally, of its own accord.
Whatever you do, don't try too hard to make somebody love you. I can never stress this enough. By trying too hard, you might actually be killing any small chances there might be for the other person to fall for you. Growing things need lots of room to grow freely and playfully. You can't convince a wild tiger or wolf to come out and play with you by trying too hard and chasing it all over the jungle. The most you can do is regulate your own behavior and hope for it to come to you on its own. Who knows, if you are lucky, things might flow your way. But don't try too hard lest you kill your chances yourself.
3. Walk away and keep away
The other thing you do when your love is not reciprocated is just walk away. Put some distance between the person you love and yourself. In fact, if you know for sure that they will never love you back, it is best if you don't run into them or communicate with them at all. At least temporarily. Perhaps later, when your heart has let go and healed, there may be a chance to resume some form of acquaintanceship or friendship. But when your love for them is still burning bright, when the wound of rejection is still fresh, when your heart is still hurting, any type of regular and/or close contact should be avoided.
Some people fear that by keeping away from the person they love, they may be killing what little chance they may have with them. The opposite is true. When you are away, it gives the other person a chance to realize what they are missing by not having you around. If they realize that and truly want you, they will come seeking you on their own. If they don't realize anything of the sort, it means they didn't notice you or value you all that much to begin with. So, you are better off being away from them.
4. Don't do stuff together
In a way, this point is same as the previous point about keeping away from the object of your love. But this is important enough that I am spelling it out explicitly. Before you fell for that person, the two of you might have been in a relationship where you did stuff together. You might have been buddies, colleagues, or part of some hobby/special interest group. But now that you have expressed your romantic interest and have been rebuffed, it is better that you avoid such combined activities.
This may require you to go through some inconvenient changes in your own life. Change society? Change departments at work? Stop hanging out at the same social haunts or events? Delete them from your online contact lists, phone address book, etc.? Even change the gang of friends whom you meet regularly? The idea is to keep interaction / contacts with the person you fell for at a bare minimum or none.
This advice is most important if you were doing 'couple stuff' before one of you fell in love seriously. By couple stuff, I mean things like casual dating, going out for movies or dinner as a twosome, or even a friends-with-benefits / casual sex type of relationships. If you were doing such things, and one of you fell in love seriously, where as the other person doesn't want to get serious, put a complete stop to all the 'couple stuff'.
It can be very painful to regularly interact, even as just friends or colleagues, with a person who doesn't reciprocate your ardent love. You are constantly reminded of what you love, desire and want, but can't have. It's a torture for the body, heart and soul. It makes moving on and healing very tough. It comes in the way of getting a proper perspective on things. Don't let yourself go through that torture. End the interactions.
5. Don't stalk or obsess
Being in love means being constantly concerned and interested about everything going on with the person you love. This comes very close to stalking and obsessing. Stalking isn't restricted to just physically following someone around everywhere. Physical following is something you should never do with someone who doesn't reciprocate your love. Remember - walk away and keep away! But suppose circumstances don't allow you to totally avoid interacting with the person towards whom you feel one-sided love. Suppose you are classmates or colleagues, and you are unable to change society or jobs. Then what? If you can't be physically away, at least try not to mentally obsess about the person. I know this is easier said than done. To love someone is to think about that person constantly. But you can certainly avoid obsessive behavior like trying to know everything about them, keeping tabs on what is going on with them, listening to their conversations with others, constantly checking their blogs or social networking pages and updates (Facebook, Orkut, MySpace, etc.), following them online to participate in the discussions and postings they are involved in, etc., etc. These are the types of behavior you can and should avoid. Doing these things won't help you win their love. These things will in fact, push them farther away. And these actions keep you from healing and moving on.
6. Don't try to share and heal together
It's stupid to think that a person who loves and another person who doesn't return that love can share the hurts caused by this same unreturned love, and can heal together. You may genuinely care for each other. You might even have been good friends in the past. But as things stands now with one person wanting something more than the other person is willing to share or give, there is no way for peace and healing to be experienced together. You can certainly heal, but on your own. Or with some other caring friend or lover. Not with the person you love and who can't love you back. Don't even attempt this because the opposite will occur. The constant reminder of unreturned love will hurt you more. It will cause the other person to feel worse also.
7. Don't become weak or ill
Whatever you do, for god's sake don't become weak or fall ill - physically or mentally. It is not worth it at all. Not worth spoiling your health over someone who doesn't return your love. It is not fair to yourself. It is not fair to the other person. It also doesn't make you any more attractive or love-able. In fact, by falling ill, becoming weak or going loco, you are totally destroying any little chance there might have been of things working out for you. When the person wasn't attracted to you or didn't love you when you were healthy and happy, what makes you think that falling ill or going crazy makes you any more attractive and love-able. Just get a good strong grip on yourself and concentrate on living a steady, strong life. It's okay if you have to break-down and cry. Just don't stay broken or stay down. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on.
PS: Dear "B", I know you love me but, I cant love you of many reasons, but thanks for your beautiful love -Slimo-
[connected: blog.libranlover.net]
Saturday, September 22, 2012
KolonG "Cara Onani Yang Baik dan Benar Untuk Pria"
Kebanyakan pria hanya mengetahui sedikit dari potensi erotis dan orgasme sistem genital mereka. Kebanyakan pria melakukan onani atau masturbasi dengan cara mengocok penis dan dilakukan secara sembunyi-sembunyi dan cepat. Melakukan onani dengan cepat dengan harapan bisa segera selesai dan puas adalah cara onani yang salah.
Cara onani seperti itu hanya akan menciptakan pola orgasme yang cepat dan membiasakan sistem syaraf untuk sesegera mungkin orgasme dan ejakulasi.
Teknik onani biasa dilakukan dengan bantuan beberapa stimulasi dari luar seperti dengan melihat gambar cowok bugil atau menonton film porno atau kemungkinan hanya dengan berfantasi seksual melalui pikiran.
Lebih baik apabila membuat diri anda nyaman terlebih dahulu sebelum mengocok penis dan melakukan onani. Waktu yang cukup dan tempat yang privacy, dapat bermanfaat agar tidak ada gangguan saat anda sedang barasik-asik dengan diri anda.
Untuk latihan menahan ejakulasi, biasakan jangan berpikir atau berkhayal erotis untuk membuat penis ereksi, konsentrasilah pada diri anda sendiri dengan mengocok penis anda menggunakan tangan. Nikmati setiap gesekan yang anda rasakan tapi jangan menciptakan stimulasi seksual dari pikiran. Rangsangan fisik saja tanpa pikiran erotis bisa membuat penis anda tegang dan membuat waktu anda beronani semakin lama.
1. Lakukan Dengan Tangan Kering, cobalah onani menggunakan tangan kering alias tidak menggunakan bantuan jelly atau pelumas. Ketika Anda melakukan ini perhatikan:
Perubahan napas Anda:
Apakah menjadi dangkal dan cepat, lebih lambat dan lebih dalam?
Perubahan tubuh Anda:
apakah ada ketegangan di beberapa tempat, dan merasa relaks di tempat lain? Apakah sama setiap kali Anda onani dengan mengocok penis anda pada lain kesempatan?
2. Bagaimana rasanya saat Anda orgasme, dan pasca-orgasme?
Ganti Tangan Untuk Mengocok Penis
Apakah Anda selalu menggunakan tangan yang sama saat masturbasi? Ya, kebanyakan pria melakukan onani dengan satu tangan secara monoton. Cobalah ganti tangan anda, jika selama ini anda menggunakan tangan kanan ganti dengan tangan kiri. Awalnya mungkin terasa aneh tapi seiring dengan waktu anda akan terbiasa.
3. Coba Onani Dengan Posisi Yang Berbeda
Apakah anda melakukan onani dengan berbaring? lakukan perubahan pada posisi onani anda. Jika anda terbiasa beronani dengan berbaring, cobalah duduk. Jika anda terbiasa duduk, cobalah berdiri. Jika anda terbiasa mengocok penis dengan duduk di kursi, sekarang coba dengan berdiri atau berlutut. Semua posisi bisa anda praktekkan. Awalnya mungkin terasa cangung dan mengurangi kenikmatan anda saat onani. Tapi perubahan posisi ini akan menciptakan sensasi baru yang tentu akan menyenangkan anda.
4. Gerakkan Pinggul Anda.
Banyak pria hanya diam saat onani dan mengocok penis sambil menikmati sensasi yang muncul. Sekarang cobalah dengan menggerakkan pinggul anda seperti saat anda melakukan hubungan seks. Cara ini akan membantu anda lebih menikmati sensasi onani.
5. Ubah Tekanan Kocok Tangan
Ada banyak jenis tekanan kocokan tangan pada penis yang bisa digunakan. Jangan monoton pada satu tipe kocokan saja. Sensasi yang timbul dari tiap kocokan berbeda-beda. Cobalah tekanan berbeda dan kocokan berbeda saat onani. Jangan melulu mengocok penis dari atas ke bawah, coba ciptakan variasi lain seperti dengan gerakan merangsang penis dengan kocokan yang berputar pada penis sampai anda akan merasakan orgasme.
6. Saat orgasme.
Cobalah mengerang dan mendesah dalam, atau berteriah, metode ini akan memaksimalkan peregangan otot, pikiran dan gairah yg membuat sperma yg keluar maksimal dan kepuasan lebih maksimal juga. Cobalah lebih menikmati keluarnya sperma hingga anda maksimal.
Cara onani seperti itu hanya akan menciptakan pola orgasme yang cepat dan membiasakan sistem syaraf untuk sesegera mungkin orgasme dan ejakulasi.
Teknik onani biasa dilakukan dengan bantuan beberapa stimulasi dari luar seperti dengan melihat gambar cowok bugil atau menonton film porno atau kemungkinan hanya dengan berfantasi seksual melalui pikiran.
Lebih baik apabila membuat diri anda nyaman terlebih dahulu sebelum mengocok penis dan melakukan onani. Waktu yang cukup dan tempat yang privacy, dapat bermanfaat agar tidak ada gangguan saat anda sedang barasik-asik dengan diri anda.
Untuk latihan menahan ejakulasi, biasakan jangan berpikir atau berkhayal erotis untuk membuat penis ereksi, konsentrasilah pada diri anda sendiri dengan mengocok penis anda menggunakan tangan. Nikmati setiap gesekan yang anda rasakan tapi jangan menciptakan stimulasi seksual dari pikiran. Rangsangan fisik saja tanpa pikiran erotis bisa membuat penis anda tegang dan membuat waktu anda beronani semakin lama.
1. Lakukan Dengan Tangan Kering, cobalah onani menggunakan tangan kering alias tidak menggunakan bantuan jelly atau pelumas. Ketika Anda melakukan ini perhatikan:
Perubahan napas Anda:
Apakah menjadi dangkal dan cepat, lebih lambat dan lebih dalam?
Perubahan tubuh Anda:
apakah ada ketegangan di beberapa tempat, dan merasa relaks di tempat lain? Apakah sama setiap kali Anda onani dengan mengocok penis anda pada lain kesempatan?
2. Bagaimana rasanya saat Anda orgasme, dan pasca-orgasme?
Ganti Tangan Untuk Mengocok Penis
Apakah Anda selalu menggunakan tangan yang sama saat masturbasi? Ya, kebanyakan pria melakukan onani dengan satu tangan secara monoton. Cobalah ganti tangan anda, jika selama ini anda menggunakan tangan kanan ganti dengan tangan kiri. Awalnya mungkin terasa aneh tapi seiring dengan waktu anda akan terbiasa.
3. Coba Onani Dengan Posisi Yang Berbeda
Apakah anda melakukan onani dengan berbaring? lakukan perubahan pada posisi onani anda. Jika anda terbiasa beronani dengan berbaring, cobalah duduk. Jika anda terbiasa duduk, cobalah berdiri. Jika anda terbiasa mengocok penis dengan duduk di kursi, sekarang coba dengan berdiri atau berlutut. Semua posisi bisa anda praktekkan. Awalnya mungkin terasa cangung dan mengurangi kenikmatan anda saat onani. Tapi perubahan posisi ini akan menciptakan sensasi baru yang tentu akan menyenangkan anda.
4. Gerakkan Pinggul Anda.
Banyak pria hanya diam saat onani dan mengocok penis sambil menikmati sensasi yang muncul. Sekarang cobalah dengan menggerakkan pinggul anda seperti saat anda melakukan hubungan seks. Cara ini akan membantu anda lebih menikmati sensasi onani.
5. Ubah Tekanan Kocok Tangan
Ada banyak jenis tekanan kocokan tangan pada penis yang bisa digunakan. Jangan monoton pada satu tipe kocokan saja. Sensasi yang timbul dari tiap kocokan berbeda-beda. Cobalah tekanan berbeda dan kocokan berbeda saat onani. Jangan melulu mengocok penis dari atas ke bawah, coba ciptakan variasi lain seperti dengan gerakan merangsang penis dengan kocokan yang berputar pada penis sampai anda akan merasakan orgasme.
6. Saat orgasme.
Cobalah mengerang dan mendesah dalam, atau berteriah, metode ini akan memaksimalkan peregangan otot, pikiran dan gairah yg membuat sperma yg keluar maksimal dan kepuasan lebih maksimal juga. Cobalah lebih menikmati keluarnya sperma hingga anda maksimal.
Memiliki sperma yang banyak merupakan kebanggaan bagi kaum pria karena dapat menghasilkan orgasme dan meningkatkan hasrat seksual pria.
Memiliki sperma yang banyak salah satu tanda kesuburan dan reproduksi yang sehat bagi pria.
Ada beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan jumlah sperma atau memperbanyak sperma, antara lain:
1. Melakukan hubungan seksual dalam 1 minggu 2 – 4 kali, dengan jeda waktu 1 hari untuk pematangan dan reproduksi sperma, apabila tiap hari berhubungan minimal tidur 6 jam agar reproduksi tidak terlalu dipaksakan.
2. Hindari ejakulasi terlalu cepat setiap sex atau saat melakukan masturbasi. Atur ritme sperma utk jangan cepat keluar, krn pompaan saluran dapat meluaskan rongga didnding zakar dan membentuk ruang utk lebih banyak sperma diproduksi didalamnya. Melakukan hubungan seksual dan ejakulasi tidak cepat juga dapat mengobati sperma yang encer dan mengurangi sperma rusak. Tetapi perlu diketahui pula terlalu sering melakukan sex dan terlalu banyak ejakulasi juga dapat menimbulkan kerusakan kromosom pada DNA.
3. Hindari kebiasaan minum alkohol atau minuman bersoda. Karena minuman beralkohol sangat buruk dampaknya bagi kualitas dan kuantitas sperma begitu pula dengan soda
4. Banyak minum air putih minimal 1 liter/hari atau setara dengan 6 – 8 gelas sehari. Air putih sangat baik untuk membunuh racun dan menghambat terjadinya penyakit kelamin, melancarakan reproduksi dan membantu metabolisme zakar.
5. Melakukan pola makan yang tepat dan teratur.
6. Istirahat yang cukup. Minimal 6 – 7 jam sehari
7. Merefleksikan diri sejenak dari rutinitas yang padat
8. Melakukan olahraga ringan seperti senam kegel agar otot – otot pada penis kembali kencang dan elastis
9. Gunakan pengaman atau pelindung pada penis saat melakukan pekerjaan berat agar tidak terjadi guncangan dalam sistem reproduksi
10. Mengonsumsi vitamin C dan sayuran yang dapat membangkitkan vitalitas tubuh, karena vitamin C bermanfaat paling besar dalam pembentukan sperma, kualitas dan kuantitas sperma
11. Kurangi minum kopi. Memang kopi bisa membangkitkan gairah seksual, tetapi perlu diketahui pula kafein yang terkandung dalam kopi juga bisa menghambat produksi sperma, membuat warna sperma kuning dan bau tak sedap.
12. Jika perlu hindari pemakaian celana ketat. Gunakan underwear atau boxer yang terbuat dari bahan katun, tidak panas dan tidak menimbulkan iritasi pada sekitar organ vital anda. Karena bila suhu panas pada sekitar penis dapat menimbulkan munjulnya kelenjar keringat yang berbahaya dan memudahkan penyakit atau virus masuk kedalam organ vital anda
Memiliki sperma yang banyak salah satu tanda kesuburan dan reproduksi yang sehat bagi pria.
Ada beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan jumlah sperma atau memperbanyak sperma, antara lain:
1. Melakukan hubungan seksual dalam 1 minggu 2 – 4 kali, dengan jeda waktu 1 hari untuk pematangan dan reproduksi sperma, apabila tiap hari berhubungan minimal tidur 6 jam agar reproduksi tidak terlalu dipaksakan.
2. Hindari ejakulasi terlalu cepat setiap sex atau saat melakukan masturbasi. Atur ritme sperma utk jangan cepat keluar, krn pompaan saluran dapat meluaskan rongga didnding zakar dan membentuk ruang utk lebih banyak sperma diproduksi didalamnya. Melakukan hubungan seksual dan ejakulasi tidak cepat juga dapat mengobati sperma yang encer dan mengurangi sperma rusak. Tetapi perlu diketahui pula terlalu sering melakukan sex dan terlalu banyak ejakulasi juga dapat menimbulkan kerusakan kromosom pada DNA.
3. Hindari kebiasaan minum alkohol atau minuman bersoda. Karena minuman beralkohol sangat buruk dampaknya bagi kualitas dan kuantitas sperma begitu pula dengan soda
4. Banyak minum air putih minimal 1 liter/hari atau setara dengan 6 – 8 gelas sehari. Air putih sangat baik untuk membunuh racun dan menghambat terjadinya penyakit kelamin, melancarakan reproduksi dan membantu metabolisme zakar.
5. Melakukan pola makan yang tepat dan teratur.
6. Istirahat yang cukup. Minimal 6 – 7 jam sehari
7. Merefleksikan diri sejenak dari rutinitas yang padat
8. Melakukan olahraga ringan seperti senam kegel agar otot – otot pada penis kembali kencang dan elastis
9. Gunakan pengaman atau pelindung pada penis saat melakukan pekerjaan berat agar tidak terjadi guncangan dalam sistem reproduksi
10. Mengonsumsi vitamin C dan sayuran yang dapat membangkitkan vitalitas tubuh, karena vitamin C bermanfaat paling besar dalam pembentukan sperma, kualitas dan kuantitas sperma
11. Kurangi minum kopi. Memang kopi bisa membangkitkan gairah seksual, tetapi perlu diketahui pula kafein yang terkandung dalam kopi juga bisa menghambat produksi sperma, membuat warna sperma kuning dan bau tak sedap.
12. Jika perlu hindari pemakaian celana ketat. Gunakan underwear atau boxer yang terbuat dari bahan katun, tidak panas dan tidak menimbulkan iritasi pada sekitar organ vital anda. Karena bila suhu panas pada sekitar penis dapat menimbulkan munjulnya kelenjar keringat yang berbahaya dan memudahkan penyakit atau virus masuk kedalam organ vital anda
KolonG "Why eat SPERM?"

According to modern scientific research now discovered that a man normally in a week producing 6 billion sperm cells, this means that every week a man could be the father of the 6 billion people on this earth. So what the good of sperm swallow ..? If you look at the levels of what they say, sperm did contain substances or proteins that are useful for the body, perhaps something like people who like to swallow / eat chicken eggs or duck eggs as a supplement to improve the vitality of the body, but in bottom line here is certainly healthy sperm to swallow the man belongs healthy. Okay, the following substances in biological sperm:
Ammonia ................................. 2
Ascoric Acid .......................... 12.8
Ash ......................................... 9.9%
Calcium ................................. 25
Carbon Dioxide ........... 54 ml/100 ml
Chloride .............................. 155
Cholesterol ........................... 80
Citric Acid ............................ 376
Creatine ................................ 20
Ergothioneine Trace ....................
Fructose ............................. 224
Glutathione ........................... 30
Glycerylphorylcholine ......... 54-90
Inositol ............................. 50.57
Lactic Acid ............................. 35
Magnesium ............................ 14
Nitrogen, nonprotein (total) ... 913
Phosphorus, acid-soluble ....... 57
Inorganic ............................... 11
Lipids ........................................ 6
Total (lipid) ........................... 112
Phosphorylcholine ............. 250-380
Potassium .............................. 89
Pyruvic acid ........................... 29
Sodium ................................. 281
Sorbitol ................................... 10
Vitamin B 12 ppg .......... 300-600
Sulfur ........................ 3% (of ash)
Urea ....................................... 72
Uric Acid ................................... 6
Zinc ........................................ 14
Copper ..................... 0.006 to 0.024
All of the above substances is an extremely important thing for the body, and also it is contained in many medicines healer.
so....no worry if you like sperm, eat it! ;)
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
KolonG "Love will find you, one day"
After long long away of waiting, "love finally meet us when we believe in faith". 6 years only know and talk in phone, from the time he just single till married with a girl. yeah...he's married. I though that love finds us belongs in a story book, not in real life.
People need to work to get results in real life, so nothing really finds us. We have to go out and find it. This is the same for romance. But days seemed on our side, suddenly "My Rock Star" in front of me, it was 1st of July when we have nothing to say but keep staring, no words come along, and he just hold my hand, in public.
I believe that I should grab hold of an opportunity if it arises. if I want to find love, I know gotta put myself out here. I gotta work hard to maintain it and if things end, I gotta pick myself up and try again. its all hard work I knew, but at the end of the day, I know love never enough as the world say another faith.
But just can't do anything, we only follow the night, first night, second night, third night, to be with, to hold with, to kiss with and flying in bed with, nothing can't do but follow, cause we know when we separate, we do back to our life selves. He's got wife and beautiful kid to long life, I've got my boy and I love him as well.
Now we just accepted the reality and continue life, even when he said, "wish I marry you and you're mine"
Love will find you in different way, one day. And when we know we can be the one, but only feel, there's a faith.
[to MyRockStar, July 2012]
I believe that I should grab hold of an opportunity if it arises. if I want to find love, I know gotta put myself out here. I gotta work hard to maintain it and if things end, I gotta pick myself up and try again. its all hard work I knew, but at the end of the day, I know love never enough as the world say another faith.
But just can't do anything, we only follow the night, first night, second night, third night, to be with, to hold with, to kiss with and flying in bed with, nothing can't do but follow, cause we know when we separate, we do back to our life selves. He's got wife and beautiful kid to long life, I've got my boy and I love him as well.
Now we just accepted the reality and continue life, even when he said, "wish I marry you and you're mine"
Love will find you in different way, one day. And when we know we can be the one, but only feel, there's a faith.
[to MyRockStar, July 2012]
KolonG "Follow Your Heart"
He said love me with all his heart. But he never told a Single
soul. I
secretly loved him too. But he thought I would never have a
chance with
him. it was new years eve 2012 at "La Plancha" double 6 Bali, after 4 months we knew and finally he flew away from Bandung just for us met. I asked him what he think of me and he said I'm not his type. I found my self down and never built my feeling.
That night he followed way to club. I didn't know what to do. Night just flew and i saw how he can't away from me. What a wonderful days we passed in Bali, I just do the best thing to company him as a best homer, no flirt no hard feeling no expectation. And he said that I'm a good man. When he got home he felt real bad about what he had done to me. many convention. Asking any possibility to fix, offered sincerely love. So he decided to go to to my heart's house to tell he was sorry and that he wish I'm hims.
When he got my heart knocked on the door I have nothing to do to answered.
I know he don't miss me but miss my attention, whatever I have to stop my attention just giving him some lesson. I just want he know that "Don't wait to until the last minute to tell someone how you really feel. Because it just might be too late. And don't always go by what your friends say, follow your heart."
Now time had passed by, and people already learn that love is just love, not only see the "Look"
That night he followed way to club. I didn't know what to do. Night just flew and i saw how he can't away from me. What a wonderful days we passed in Bali, I just do the best thing to company him as a best homer, no flirt no hard feeling no expectation. And he said that I'm a good man. When he got home he felt real bad about what he had done to me. many convention. Asking any possibility to fix, offered sincerely love. So he decided to go to to my heart's house to tell he was sorry and that he wish I'm hims.
When he got my heart knocked on the door I have nothing to do to answered.
I know he don't miss me but miss my attention, whatever I have to stop my attention just giving him some lesson. I just want he know that "Don't wait to until the last minute to tell someone how you really feel. Because it just might be too late. And don't always go by what your friends say, follow your heart."
Now time had passed by, and people already learn that love is just love, not only see the "Look"
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